Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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< " (Erom Our Correspondent) &
Gangtok, March 17.

It has been learnt
that the Budget session
of the Sikkim State Coun-
cil will be held on and
from 23rd March 1954
On; return from Delhi,
the Dewan Shri J. S. Lall,
1,0.8., is busy Scrutinising
the Budget demands- of
the various departments
and making it ready for
presentation in the Coun-

* * '.

Maharaj KumarrLieut.
Col. Padma Vtbhushan
P. T. Namgyal, O.B.E., of
Sikkim returned to' Gang,
tok on March 7, after a
tour in North India and
an investiture ceremony
in- New Delhi. Officials
and non-offbials have been
presenting scarves to the
Maharaj Kumar congratu-
lating him oh- the receipt
of the decoration of Padma.
Vibhushan. • ■

. . ' * • • ;'■ •

Deputed by the .Go-
vernment of India, Dr.
Shamsing ai.d Mr. Khanna,
Fruits and Potato experts
respectively arrived! at
Gangtok to advise the'
Government " of Sikkim.
They are going round the
different parts of Sikkim
to study local conditions
and to explore the possi-

bilities of improvement?,
a # • . *
The Central Public
Works Dept. working in
Sikkim have opined their
road from Rorathang to
Rongl.i for jeep traffic.
The Executive^ Engineer
Sri V N. Matl^or invited
a large nuini>er of, guests
.tin-'the occasion ' of its
opening ceremony, which
was performed by the
Political Officers in Sikkim
Major B. Iv. Kapur I P.8.
on March 9th..

( Continued from page 8 )
garding number of persons
to be carried, traffic signal
or speed limit.

5. Do bear in mind that
M:.V. Act provides for
stringent punishment's for
contravention of the lawn
and for graver offences like
reckless driving, diiving in
drunken condition or with-
out Rout* Permty, and
that convictions are to bo
e/idorsed on your Driving

(i. Do not forget that
for driving Public Service
Vehi.ch'.s it requires special
(Authorisation by R. T. A.
- Do not force the R T A
to refuse authorisation
where driving licences havo
convictions endorsed.

March XIj 1u34


1. Since 1951 India
has reduced her foodgrain
imports by :

(a) More than 2.1 mi-
llion tons.

(b) More than 2.7 mi-
llion tons.

(c) More than 3.!) mi-
llion tons.

2. India's First Five
Year Plan was initiated

(a) April, 1951. .
ib) November. 19-r.2
(c) July, 1949.

3. Water has already
started flowing frctn :

(a) Tungabhadra Dam

(b) Kakrapra Weir.

(c) Lower Bhavani

4 The Indian Tele-
phone Industries is in :
(h> Chittaranjan

(b) Rupnarainpur. .

(c) Banglore.

5. Every day the .
Posts & Telegraphs Depart-
ment pYirits about

(ai 96,00,000 stamps.

(b) 25,92,000 stamps.

(c; 1,11,02,000. stamps
Answers :

1—|b\ 2-(a\ 3—
(All three concct), 4—(c),
and o— a)

Do obey the rules and
rules will protect you.
More I)o & Donts
Next Week ■■

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