Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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April 1, 1954

ifiinutliuuui Crimea ITivfl

co-ordination meeting TEXTILE LICENSE RENEWAL

at darjeeling .?

Darjeeling, March 25 Textile licenses of all valid after 30th June,

A Co-ordination ^Vleot- categories issued under 195-1. Applications foj re- <

ing of the Darjeeling the West Bengal Cotton newaj of licenses of all

Sadar Subdivision was Cloth and Yarn Control groups will be received on'

held to day at the ■ office Order, !948 for the year dates and at places spo--

of the Subdivisional Oilier, 1953-54 will cease to be cified below.

Darjeeling Sadar. All the Centre Areas . Dato of Date of ' Group*

Sllbdivisional Officials, lead- receiving



members of the, pub- . applica- of


tion licence

lie and the representatiV'

of the local political par- 1. Tcesta Tista, Geilllchola 11-4-54 10-5-54 All groups


were invited and par-

Malli, Tarkhola,
Riyahg, and Rumbi.


ticipated in the meeting ■ =' . . ,„__,

Sri B, S. Raghavan, I.A.S.i Z. Algarah - Algaroh, Munsung 13-4-54 12-5-54

^' J iv"fc> ' > and Lava

Sub-Divisional Officer, Da->-

. ,. j , j n,„ „„„f Pedong Pedong, Lingsey, -16-4-54 15,5-54 do

jeelmg cond ucted the meet- Lingsoykha & Kagey

ing with a keen interest
and enthusiasm. Introdu-

4. Chunabhati Ohmiabhati/Samthar 18:4-54 17-5-54 do
ftimbong areas under

cing the purpose of the Mat P. H,

meeti; gSj. Raghavan drew 8. Sombaria, Samsing, Kuniai 2(5-4-54 24-5 51 '.do

the attention of the au- (Gorubothan.) Sombaria, Pagu

dienee to the fact that Pankasari, Rongo,',' ' '

the meeting of its kind Gairib.» & are«fc -

u . ° . . . under Mate l I'. ,S. .
was of utmost importance H„dhal«ria .
to establish a better an- . ., , ... h. , • •.: .'
i . -At K (-moon „tfi (.. Head Kalimpong Town 1st to loth st-to JOr.h B.C. &Q
dorstand ng between offi- ,,,mrtm April, 1954 May. i954 I). & K.
eial members and the pub-
lie for solving locai grie-
vances in a democratic ,. . , .

i ,, . , applications lor . renewal, /(-\ n„. <• t- ,-

way and would he p ,n . ^ ]icatk)u in a ]eUe'r .f) *>»te of application.

making a peaceful aimos- . f ^ntahljl)g fhu foIlow. > case of failure of. the,,

phere in the subdivision, ,. .v-,,, rB_ licensees of the rural

1. No. prescribed form >)' .Signature of the ap-

will be neees:aiy for tiling plicant.

. areas

Sj. Rnghav-sn and (he quisi'te fees will be accep- t# tur» UP in ll,tfe at

official members of diffe- ted. ' respective centres on the

rent departments attemp-, (a) Xante in block let- appointed dates they will

ted to answer almost all ters in whose favour the- bir required to submit

questions raised by the licence is . to be .renewed tht!|r apnlioations to the.

representatives of the pub- (or of firm concerned as . t)mce of the undersigned

lie in a satisfactory and the case may be). between 27th April, to 15th

convincing way. The meet- 1 .' .(b) Textile license num- May,. • 1954.
ing continued fcr about ber and date. • ' , K. B. Singh,

H hours and terminated, ' . (p)/_Group. of license. Sub-divisional Controller

with a vote thanks to ' (d) Address ot the'fplaoe of Food & Supplies,

the audience. of business, ■ ... Kalimpong. ' ■■

DARJEELING RvDIO CO., • D VRJEELlNG the, pionser radio coacera of Darjeeling district.