Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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April II, Riot

t'iimalanan Simci



(Ki'om Our H\ ecial Representative)

Gangtok, April 8

His Highiess The Maharaja of
Sikkim gave a garden Party yesterday
evening at the White Hall, Gangtok to
bid farewell to Mr J. S. Lall, I C, S.
Dewan of Sikkim and to welcome Mr
N K. Rustomji' the new D:wan After
a light tea His .Highness presented a
farewell addressed to Mr. Lall in 'vhich
he outlined the accomplishments achieved
by h in such as Indo.Sikkim. Treaty of
1950 the removal , of intermediaries bet-
ween the Government and the Governed;
the cadestral survey and settlement of
Sikkim; the Reorganisation of land re-
venue administration the elected Stale
councils; the High Court of Sikkim and
finally the drawing up of the seven year
plan for Sikkim. His Highness asserted
that every person in Sikkim has been
affected one way or another by these

To Mr. Rustomji. His Highness said:
"I have fnil faith in your abilities an'!
wisdom, and look forward with confidence
to a very substantial contrihu'ion to the
further progress of Sikkim "

In reply to the farewell ' address
Mr. Lall said: "In .your Hitjlinesi's address
you have made kind references to cer-
tain things that we have achieved in
participations. Sir, these thing- will spea'k
for themselves, but so far' as I have
been concerned the attempt was to do
something which wouM increase"' the
welfare of your people an,\ the'stability,
of your State We hope that we have
contributed' in some measure to this end.
I inn sure my successor will feel as
fortified as I have by Your Highnesses
counsel and friendship and the,friendship,
of your family, the suppgrt..'of _your
officers and the good .will of members
of tho Executive Council > and State


JJarjeeung, Apri.1 ■*.'

The Government of Behar have' been
pleased to gram a sum of Us. 5000/- .as'"
nori-recurrling grant to (lie Himacha) Hindi'.
Bliawan towards its'Building Fund."

Sri M. K.Pradhan, B 1. . Vice.rfiKairmaSj
Kaiimpong Municipality has also very kindly!-
con'ributed Rs.250/- for the Building Fund.

ir'.ri 0. D. ^ukha'ni of M/s [ethrriu'l
Bhojraj has1 given assurance that he would '
lake up construction of the hall (2nd storv)
as soon as the ground and 1st floor arc .
completed. ■" ■ .

The school has made rapid' orogross
during the last 8 years and have.'been
securing two out of 4 scholarships of the
district in the .Middle School. Examination*.

(From' Our Correspondent)

Gangtok, April 6
The Cinema House nt Gangtok in
which 16 mm. .films were screened in a
temporary , hall in (die. Ijazar"'has been
closed bv the authorities. It is understood
that no further temporary license -will be
granted; id view of the unsatisfactory and
insanitary con lition' of." the improvised hall.
Si c has been aHottirl and permission gran-
ted to the .-proprietor .to build' a. new Cinema
Hall on approved design within a fixed
tinic lim.it, ' ',

Council." He.then thanked His Highness'
and the gathering; ; v: V • ■ .*

In reply to the welcome address'
Mr. Itusl.nmji sajd that he will , try his
bVsl to carry on his 'duties as Dewan
of Sikkim*' will. - His Highness's counsel
and support..

High officials of Sikkim and promi-
nent citizens including Mr. B. K. Kapoor
and Executive Councillors were present.

Earlier in the day yesterday .Mr.
Lall'..-attended a Luncheon party given by
the Sikkim Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen's
Hoard,' f ■'■

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