Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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( From Our' Gprreflpondoiit )
Gangtok. April 27

An Extra-Ordinary
Mahasamity Meet'ing of
Sikkim State Congress was
held at Rangpo on 22nd
April J954 Approxima-
tely 200 delegates from
all parts of Sikkim inclu-
ding Jangu attended the
meetii g. A public meeting
was also held in whi.h
more than 10(10 people
were pretent: People in
processions from all the
surrounding vil'ages came
to attend the public mee-
ting. Sri Lhendup Dorji
was unanimously ekchd
President of the Slate Con
gress and the Working Co-
mmittee was also formed.

The names of the'
office bearers art-as follows:
Sri Kashiraj Pradhan and
Sri D miksing Li-pchti Vice
Presidents, Sri Nahakul
Pradhan General Secietary ■
Sri Kaisar Bahadur Thapa
and N B. Gurung Joint
Secretaries, Sri Nain Tse-
ring and Bira-pati Parsai
Organising Seer tanes,
Sarba Sri Chhang Chhup
Chote, Ohuk Sung Bhote,
Phurba Bhote, Ratna-
bahadur Khatri, B. B.
Gurung, Ohgdi Bhote,
Nandalal I.Uiamala, Chet-
ram Agaiwala members ■
Out of the seventeen^
members only lb have
been elected and nomina
ttd. The name of one

member will be notified
later by the President.
At the Mahasamiti Mee-
ting the following resolu-
tions were passed. (1)
Abolition of Jangu, Pri-
vate Estates and Monastry
Estates. (This resolution
is adopted since 1952).
(2) Sikkim State Congress
supports the idea of Pan-
dit Jahawaharlal Nehru
for stepping the. use of
such dangerous weapons
as Atomic and Hydrogen
bombs in the world (3)
Sikkim btate Congress
extends its sympathy to
three political leaders 'of
the Bhutan State Congress
who were killed by the
ruling authorities during
their recent rpqvemt'flt for
the danimid of 'Ivinoeia'io
government. (<1) Publica-
tion of Sikkim State
Notifications in Nepali and
Bhutia languages and its
distributions to all coun-
cillors Mandals and mem-
bers of the Gram Panch-
yats (:")) Abolition of water
tax in bazaars' where
water is not provided by
the Government ((i) Lifting
of Control over eloth and
pice. (7; Inolusion of non-
official members in the.
.adyi- ory commit tee -of the
7 year, plan <8) Demand
Of immediate land survey
of Jangu and Laeha-La-

chung Estates (mainly
Eepoha and Bhutia popu-
lated are a) as disuemina-
tely excluded by the State
Government in the Jaat'
survey operations. (U)
Abolition of extra taxes
on oranges (10) Mure po-
wers for Gram Panchyats
and training of their mem
bers. (11) Free education
for Lepcha and Bhutia
students upto middle stan-
dard in every State main-
tained and aided schools
as provided in India for
Scheduled and backward

Sikkim State Con-
gress Workfng Committee
meeting .was neld on 2Ilrd
April 1951 to discuss the
future policy of the party
based on the resolutions
adopted at the Mahasa-
milv Meeting en 22nd
Api'il .54. , '.'■'


Ka impong, April 27
The following new
Olfn e-beiiieis of the Kalim-
pong Chamber of Commer-
ce were unanimously'elec-
ted in the General Mee-
ting ' of the. Chamber held'
on . 23:4-1954..,' " ,
" President :-Shri Ramesh-
wardas Agarwal.

narayan Mintri.

General Secretary: Shri
B.shwanath Agarwal.

Assistant Secreiaty:-Shri
Prahladrai Agarwal.

Treasureri-Shri Rambilas

FOR EFFICIENCY ft SERV'CE: Ctnsult Darje.eling Radio Co. Darjeelin?