Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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Right ' ' j$inui(aett.-t i?».nc« May 2, 1054


"I make friends with a person and try
to get th 'ir button. I find collecting but-
ton makes for a friendly atmosphere

'and universal contact. I've never stolen
a button yet, 1 like to choose ray but-
ton, that is why I take little* time
before I approach people This strange
statement was made by , Dan Jackson, a
negro actor appearing in London in
"Anna Lucasta" when he broadcast in
the BBC's "In 'town Tonight'' program-

. ine Mr. Jackson's hobby dates from the'
time when his parents sent him to Sunday
School in Montreal and sewed buttons
all down his shirt front Contary to ucual
practice this did not engender a loathing
for buttons in little Dan: it provoked
an urge to possess more and he now
devotes quite a sizeable portion of his
time to enlarging his collection, which
he cultivates so assiduously that he now
has a fifty-four gallon barrel nearly full,
of buttons He is not always able to'
get the buttons he wants so bail 1 v and
was recently frustrated when an old
tramp he met on the road refused, under
stan.lalily enough, to part with tho'only
button that held up his pants.


[Continued front /-fine 8 j
Radioactive isotopes are frequently
employed as tracers even in industry —
to follow the flow of a fluid or the
course of a chemical reaction locate
leakes in pipelines, to determine the set-
tling rate of suspension One of the
newest applications of the. tracer tech
nique is measure the amout of wear in
the moving parts of machines. Wear of
piston rings or gears can be measured
by making them radioactive and then
measuring the amount of radioactivity
found in the lubricant after use. Wear of
automobile tyres can also be measured
in the same" way by incorporating a ra-


The HJitor is not rnpuntible for ritv* *xpr**t*d in IhiM MltMtr JM.W, l ime*


Sir. As the informations given by
you in your above ne^vs published in
your issue of the 18th April 54 are not
correct. I give . below the true facts
which may please be published in your
next issue:

1. On the 4th April 1954 three
staff quarters with workshop were gutted
by accidental fire at about 3-50 P. M.
and 10 vehicles were gutted along with

2. A hew Ford V-8 122" w.b.
chassis, which was purchased by the
Chairman. Kalimpong Municipality, on
the 3rd April 1954, the previous day
of the accident,, and taken delivery of
by the Vice Chairman of the Municipa-
lity on the same dav from the Everest
Motor Co , and handed over to a local
body builder with instructions to build
a platform body, was also gutted in the
accidental fire.

Your remarks that the Kalimpong
Municipality was negotiating the purchase
are not correct as the purchase was
completed and delivery was taken under
signature of the Chairman and Vico
Chairman of the Municipality, and garag-
ing of this vehicle for a short time was
a simple courtesy extended to the Muni-
cipality bv the undeisigned at the request
of the Chairman of the Municipality.

I trust the matter is clear to you
and you will see that the correct facts
are published in your paper. Yours
etc. S. J. Banerjee. Proprietor, Everest
Motor Company, Siliguri.

dioisotope into the tread. Isotopes are
also used to measure the wear of the
cutting edges of machine tools—a pro-
cess which formerly took almost the
entire life of the tool.
