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Himalayan Times — 1954

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May 9, 1954



Programme of Celebration at Kalipmong

15-5 54 : '

9 A. M. Puja, " Home " etc..

5 P. M. Speeches & Songs etc. Speakers:
Swami Gangeshanahda (English)
Mrs. Btena Sarkar (Bengali)
Mrs. Haksar (Hindi). Mrs, Oharu-
bala Mitter (Bengali) 'Sri M. K.
Pradhan' (Nepali) Mrs. h. N.
Roy (Bengali) Sri T. R. Sharrha
(Nepali) Sri Dwijen Bagcbi
(Bengali) Presidential Speech".
- 16-5-54 ■•• . ' • ' \ '

9 A. M. Distribution of blankets and
Garments to the Poor.

5 P. M , Speeches and Songs Speakers:
Sri 8.0. Jain i Eng.)'Sri Himang-
shu Mukherjee: (Bengali) Songs
- .- . by Aru.ri Bbse. Himal Mukher-
jee, Sachin; S"n, Satya Ptuierji,
Shovan Bojal, Rekha. Sircar,
Jhiinn Sen, Renu .»S'afkar- and
Joyasree . Mukherjee..

'Blood snrcp in ik>t;;i,

. ;.. Kalimpong, May 8

A .large crowd, of people witnessed
a very ugly scene', which., was created
in a "hotel room 'her;e last night, when
two young Bengalees Hying there are said ;
to have been severely assaulted by a group
of person's,, also ^reported to1 be Benga-
lees, who came from outside the hotel.
Police was called, in Thick patches. of-
blood were , visible on the floor '.of the
room <jvhero the.- oc'uranco took; place
and one "of the occupants was found
to. be bleeding. Government servants are
said-; to' be. involved in this aftair..
Police investigation , is proceeding

Youth Movement in Darjeeling

Darjeeling, April 30

The Darjeeling Students Associa-
tion, Darjeeling has issued the following
letter to about fifty prominent people
of the> District, including M.L.A's, Jour-
nalist, Lawyers and businessmen:

"The student community and the
youth of Darjeeling are very keenly
watching the development in Darjeeling
with regard to the question of reorga-
nisation of the boundaries.

Different political parties of Dar-
jeeling have expressed different and con-
flicting views on this burning question
of the day. Thev have either expressed
such vi-ws or chose to remain silent on
this issue, we presume, with the best
of intentions.

Our Association, the only organisa-
tion of the students in. Darjeeling, has
directed me to request you to kindly
make it a point to address a meeting
of the students and the youth of Dar-
jeeling at your convenient date and
time 'on the question of redistribution
of bouodarits in general" and on 'what
should be the stand of the people of
Darjeeling in this regard, in particular.

I am sure you will be pleased to
give us a time within the next fort-
night. If it will not be convenient for
you to address the meeting personally,
your written views' , on this question is
also welcome. Yours faithfully, D S
Gurung, Secretary. •


Kalimpong, May 7
A three year child was this mor-
ning smashed to death on the spot by
a local lorry in the main street here
It is reported that the child was smashed
under a wheel of the lorry as the dri-
ver was backing the car. The driver
has been taken into p -lice, custody and

further investigation is proceeding. .The
body of the child was sent for Post-
mortem examination to the local Chat-
teris Hospital.