Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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b'ix ?HiK>ila»mi iSimr* May 9, 1954



New Delhi,

Following it the text of agroenient nlong
with Uie text of notes exchanged between India
and China over Tibet.

The Government of the Republic of- India
and the . Central People's Government of the Peo-
ple's Republic of China.

Being desirous of promoting trade and cul-
tural intercourse between Tibet region of China
and India and of facilitating pilgrimage and
travel by tho people of China and India.

Have r solved to enter into the present
agreement b&sod on the following principles:

(I) M utuiil respect for ci.c\\ other's terri-
torial- integrity and fun-er.'iguty.

(2} Mutual tipn-aegression.

'3) Mutual non-interference in each otner's
intomal affairs.- >

(4) Equality and mutual benefit, and

(5) Peaceful co-existence.

And for this purpose have appointed as
their respective plenipotentiaries. f

■The Government of the Republic of India,
H, E. Nedyam Ragharan. Ambassador Extra-
- ordinary and Plenipotentiary of India, accredited
to the People's Republic of China, the Cental
People's Government of the People's Republic
of China, H. E. Chang Han-Fu, Vice Minister
of Foreign Affairs of the Central People's Go-
Terument, who, having, examined each other's
credentials and finding them in good and due
form, have agreed upon tho following :

Article I

The nigh contracting parties mutually agiee
to ostablieh trade agencies ;

(1) The Government of India agree that
the Government rff China may establish trade
agencies at New Delhi, ■ alcutia and Kalimpong.

(2) The Government of China agree that
the Government of India may establish trade
agencies at Vatung, Gyant^e a'nd Gartuk.

The trade agencies of both patties shall be
accorded the same atatuB and same treatment,


April 30 r

the Trade agents of both parties shall enjoy
freedom from arrest while exercising their func-
tions, and* shall enjoy in respect of themselves,
their wives, and children who are dependent on
them fur their livelihood freedom from search.

The trade agencies of both parties shall
enjoy the privileges and immunities for couriers,
mail-bags and communications in code.

Article II

The high contracting parties agree that

traders of both countries known to be customarily
anil specifically engaged in trade between the
Tibr-t region of China and India may trade at
the following places.

fl) The Government of China agree to
specify (1) Vatung, (2) Gyantse and (3)Phari
a.6 markets for trade, the Government of- India
agree? that trade may be carried on in India,
inc'uding places like (1) Kalimpong, (2) Siiiguri
and (,31 Calcutta, according to customary practice.

(2) The Government of China agree to
specify (1) Gartok, (2) Pulannhung (Taklalcot)
(3) Gyalimakhargo (4) Gjanima-Chakra, (5) Ranura,
(fi) Dongbra, (7) Puling-Sumdo, (8) Nabra, (9)
Khangtse and (.10) Ta*>hingong as markets for
trade; the Government of India agree that in
future when in. accordance with the development
nped for trade between the A. R. I. district of
Tibet region of China and India it has become
necessary to specify markets f>r trade in the
corresponding district in India adjaont to the
A. R. I. district of Tibet region of China, it
will - be prepared to consider on the basis of
equality and reciprocity to do bo.

Article III

The high contracting parties agree that pit*
grimftgts by religious believers of the two coun-
tries shall be carried on in accordance with tho
f',1 owing piovi ions:

fl) Pilgrim!" from India of I.omaist, Hindu
and Buddhist faiths may visit Kang Kinipct'he
(Kftilash) and Mai-am T. K. 0, (Mauasarowar) in
Tib.t region of China in accordance with eustbnv.