Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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May 23, 1954

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grated library service in and around
Kalimpong, The plan provides for co-
ordinated library service along with cul-
tural provisions^ in three stages Viz.,—

(a) A Central Library—to be loca-
ted at the Janata College, Kalimpong.

(b) Four 'Area Libraries—to be
located in the premises of four Commit
nity Centres.

(c) Feeder Library Centres—There
will be at least three Feeder Libraries
attached to each Area Library These
Centres will be located in the premises
of the local School, Club, Social Educa-
tion Centres cr approved residences and
will be conducted on an honorary basis,
by a local teacher or Social Education
worker or by an approved person as
may be available iu the locality In
each Feeder Library Centre there will
be a reasonable- stock of assorted books
and reading materials for Circulation
particularly amongst Women

Sanction has been accorded to the
establishment of four Area Libraries to
be attached to the Four Community
Centres and there will be three Feeder
Library Centres to be attached to each
Area Library. Thus, in ail, there will
be 12 Feeder Libraries.

The Centra! Library will be housed
in the Janata College building but addi-
tional acoo'n.modiitiori will have to be
provided for main library, for librarian
& for reading room facilities for children
& women.

v4) A Janata College

At Kalimpong a Janata College
with a one- year course for training of
village leaders in the Kalimpong Area
and outside will be accommodated within
the Campus of the Basic Training School,
Kalimpong. It is propound to have ini-
tially 20 students who will be trained
iu village leadership, Social work as well

ai profitable occupations. The trainees
passing out of the College may also be
employed as Social Fduoation teachers".
(5) Improvement of six primary schools
in 1954-55

The scheme provides for the im-
provement of six primary echoola by
reconditioning into Junior-Basic Schooli
in the Kalimpong rural area. Under
the scheme following schools have been
provisionally selected— ;'•

(1) Judhabir Primary School,—Fagu.

(2) Paiyonggairigaon Primary School,—
Algarah. .

(3) Munsong Cinchona Primary School,—

(4) Teesta Primary School—Teestabazar.

(5) Tashiding Primary School.-Kalirapong

(6) Mungpoo Primary School,—Mungpoo.

The main purpose of the Bcheme
is to set tip as complete educational
and welfare services as possible specially
for chjldren between six and fourteen
years of age and those adults who have
missed opportunities of school education
in their earlier age. AII.essential primary
schools in thiM area will gradually be
improved ilito Junior Basic Schools where
there will be at least two resident pri-
mary schools , teachers. The school buil-
ding will be used as Women's Sooial
Educational Centre - in the middle of the
day and Socja! Education Centre and
Library Centre in the afternoon and in
the evening. The Principal and the staff
of the training school will be expected
to keep in touch with teachers and
workers in these educational and welfare
centres that are being set up; so that
all of them can work as a team with
a common purpose. The proposed ser-
vice will be served in various education
and welfare requirements, primary and
secondary education and recreational
requirements ..