Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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June 20, 1954

is helping -■ita'te Govern-
ments to bring out trans-
lations . in the various
regional: languages. The
Central. Government will
meet 50%. cf the cost in
case the ' publications are
distributed free of cost
and '23% if. the publica-
tiorn. are. priced. Under a
joint .project of the Go-
vernment of India and
the ford. Foundation a
literary work, shop was
Organised in Delhi, in 1953
which gave training to
workers from all over
India in the.art and tech-
nique of preparing social
education material. Three
more such literary work-
shops have been planned.

In the matter of
audio visual education the
. Union' Minisry of Educa-
catipn has- set up a Cen-
tral Film Library, which
has over 1500 10mm films
'WOO film strips and a
collection of, charts and
posters. Institutions all
oyer India obtain these
on loan. A National Board
for Audio-Visual Educa-
tion has been organised
and the Ministry of Edu-
cation has set up two film
units in Bombay for the
production of educational
films. . With the help of
the UNESCO two Semi-
nars were held in Delhi
and Mysore during -1952-
53, for training workers
in the production of very
cheep audio-visual aids
from inexpensive indige-
nous' material.

In August 11/53 the
Central Government infor-
med the Stale Govern-
ments that it was prepa-
red to assist in the esta-
blishment of about 3000
social education centres
during 11)53 54 and of
another f.OllO in 195155.
The Union contribution
will be 50% of the sala-
ries or honoraria to tea-
chers and of.contingencies
subject to a maximum of
lis. 200 a year. Th.
assistance will be conti-
nued up to the end of
March 1956. The States
have responded with en-
thusiasm to this scheme.

The spirit behind the
Community Projects the
launching of which ■ has
been a major event in
the socia history of the
land is essentially the
spirit of Bocial education
for their aim is to reha-
bilitate the peasant both
in the economic and the
moral sphere. Each pro-
ject has got a budget of
nearly Rs. 7 lakhs for
three years and out of
this amount social educa-
tion programmes claim
nearly a fourth. The Co-
mmunity Projects have
started 3 centres for trai-
ning social education or-
ganisers. Every Project
will , have 7 social educa-
tion organisers- 6 for field
work and one Chief Social
Education Officer for pla-
nning and supervision.
The programme is broad-
based and covers not only


ISiew Delhi, June 12

1. 190 million maunds
of different kinds of fruits
are produced in this couu-
tiy. The total area under
fiuit cultivation is estima
ted at 31.8 lakh acres.

2. India's production
of salt rose from 804 lakh
maunds in 1952 to 879
lakh maunds in 1953.

3. Dum Dum airport
in Calcutta is one of the
busiest in the world; every
8 minutes on an average,
an aircraft either lands
or takes off.

4. The net central
excise revenue collection
during 1953-54 amounted
to Rs. 92,72,26,000.

literacy work but also the
setting up of Community
Centres, circulating libra-
ries, drama, clubs Kisan
rndas and other informal
media of education.

WANTED a Science
Graduate able to teach
Mathematics, s-cience and
English up to School
Final standaid. Apply
stating qualifications and
experience, to the Prin-
cipal Girls/ High School,

Fletue remember


for regular supply of your