Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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Tv,lTB ^»*u«»r* 4<m«. Registered No. C30J2

W&NTRD bv the undersigned on or WANTED immediately an

W _ before 19th Julv 1954. experienced cook for the Palace

,T. .■■■mm t]>j i-__-l , ■ ,■ Kitchen capable of prebanne

/Wanted for Educational Candidates in employ- English, Chinese and Tibetan

Development in bikkim. mmt ghaU app,y with dishes, on the scale of pay of

(1) One B. T. preferably' details of their employ- Rs. 85-5125 plus subsidised

hasio'trained, with admi- ment throusrh the emplo- rice @ -M- per seer and free

niBtrative experience, to er9. Candidates selected ?™}a,blf or' (in ««u

serve as Education Ins- ^ be rPqnirnd to coraB Th^seS^ did ?e"

peetor. Pay upto Rs 500/- to Gangtokor such other win be 0n probation for one

per. month or aecordme to p)acB a3 may |)e ordered year and preference will be

qualifications. Age 35 to at their own expense. - given to Bhutias, Lepehas and

45. - j... . u • j. Tibetans.

Candidate with robust

(2) One B.Sc, (AG) to nea]thi not afraid of hard Applications will be recei-
servo as Instructor in and experjeneed in hill ved by the undersigned upto
agriculture in Sir Tashl area8 8ha„ he preferrec]. the 20th July, 1954.
Namgyal High School, _ .... , '

Gangtok. Pay upto Rs. .„ Candidates selected No travelling allowance or

200/- per month or accor- W1" b" emP'°?pd on non- ?»y °lliei- expenses cither for

ding to qualification. Age trBct for 3 to 7 V**™- or ,{or, /oin,nK "'e

30 to 40 A. S DEW AN, f°*J W°«**, «'" |=|

(3) One trained P. T. Executive Officer,
Instructor, to serve in the Education Pepartraent TSE TEN TASHl,
above hehnnl Pav R« .Sikkim State, .
aoove Bcnooi. fay lis fjanrrtok Private Secretary to
100/- per month Age 25 K- u gangtok. '
to 30 ' «"__,-__ His Highness tne Maharaja of

(4) One Head Master Applications are invi- Sikkim, Gar.gtok.

for Basic Training School ted by the undersigned for —-[___

to be opened at Gangtok, the post of Second grade Wnnr , . „ milki,

must be a Basic Trained fitter on a pay of Rs. Jt«n LS . ~£t?nA

Graduate with adminis- 75-5-125 per month for BU0Ch°°Tl?

trative experience. Pay Sikkim State Transport g£,° J'»»ed teachers

upto Rs. 250,'-per month Service. Application eta- Lim Pav Rs QO/ ' "

or according to qualifica- ting qualifications and ' , J. V '* p"

tion. Age 30 to 45. past experience, if any. m°nth p,US house £nt

(5) One Asst. Head Mas- together with copies of »nrd noe concession. Pre-
ter for the above must testimonials should reach \eTen?e wtM be *lve,n *°
be a Basic Trained gra- the undersigned not later LePcba for one of the
duate. Pay upto Rs. 200/- than 31st July 1954. The po8t*-

per month or according to selected candidate must Application should

qualification. Age 30 to be prepared to come for reach the undersigned be-

40. May be required to an interview if required fore 31-7-1954.

join as early as possible - at his own expense. ^ g DFWAN

Applications with religion, T. D. Densapa, h«!~,

nationality home address Genera! Manager, Executive Officer,

and atteuted copies of Sikkim State Transport Education Department,

certificates and testimo- :/, Service Sikkim State,

nials, shall be received' Gangtok Gangtok.