Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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July 18, 1954

iStmnlntjnH {Times



The next term of the
Prince of Wales's Military
College, Dehra Dun, which
provides public school
education for boys intend-
ing to obtain Commissions
in the Army, Navy or
Airforce, commences in
January, 1955. Candidates
for admission to the next
term will have to qualify
at an entraneeexam'ination
to be held in Calcutta
some time in the third
week of September, 1954,
followed by an interview.
There is no educational
qualification prescribed for
admission to this college
but it is expected that
candidates should have
read upto Class VII stan-
dard of a Secondary

Candidates should have
been born not earlier than
January 21, 1943 and not
later than January 20,1944.
Age-limits can in no case
be relaxed. A cadet usual
ly spends 5 to 0 years at
the college and the annual
maintenance cost for a
cadet, including fees and
additional expenses, comes
to about Rs.2,300/-. A
limited number of scholar-
ships of Ra.1,000/- per year
are awarded by the We6t
Bengal Government to the
deserving cadets of this
State after admission to
the college. Applications
on trw prescribed form in
duplicate to ba had of the

In exercise of the pow-
ers conferred on me by
the second proviso to
paragraph 11 of the West
Bengal Cloth and Yarn
Control Order, 1948, I
hereby direct :—

(i) Applications for re-
newal of licenses under
the said order will be re-
ceived from persons who,
for sufficient reasons or
unavoidable circumstances,
failed to file renewal ap-
plications within the spe-
cified date viz 29-6-54,
provided such applications
are filed within the ]4th
August, 1954 and are ac-
companied with the re-
newal fees as prescribed
in schedule 1 of the said
order together with an
extra fee of 25%,

(ij) Applications, for re-
newal of licenses from
Handloom weavers and
manufacturers of hosiery
goods by hand driven
plants holding licenses in
'FT and F2 groups respec-
tively will be received
upto the 14th August, 1954,
without payment of any


Dy. Director of Textiles, &
Consumer Goods

Assistant Secretary, Home
( Defence ) Department,
Government of West Ben-
gal, Writers' Buildings.
Calcutta, on request, should
be submitted to him by
August 16, 1954. • ,


The Government of India
have been reviewing the
food position in the coun-
try i with particular refe-
rence to nee, and have
now decided to decontrol
rice completely, with effect
from July 10, 1954 Rice
can now move freely from
any part of the country
to any other part. >i. ..

Production of all food-
grains during the last two
years has reached record
levds, with the result that'
their prices have fallen.
Quantities offered for pror
curement have increased,
while offtakes from Govt,
shops have gone down.

Production of rice in
1958-54 is estimated 'at
27 million . tons, which
high figure is itself an
improvement on the figure
of the previous year's corp;
the yield of the present
crop represents an increase
of 51 million tons on the
average production of five
years ending 1952.

Several states. which
used to be deficit in rice
in the past, have now
become either self sulfi-
cieut or even surplus,
while the exportable sup- ,
plus of surplus states' has
increased. The Government
of India have, therefore,'
come to the conclusion
that it is not only no
longer necessary to retain
controls on rice but desi-
able to move them.