Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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iSimittauBii J.imts Ju'y 23, 19:4


■Editor: \ V,s-v 1. Which of the follow

S. C. JAIN, ; 4ftfftt&fift?tfff? ./(ittWP^ in» fpuHipurpose schemes

ll.A., Di;».E.I.. M.ll a S.(l.)

First Five Year Plan:

Vol. 7, SO - ftrflinkporig ^Jvily, ZS, a. Koyha (Bombay)
---■-1---b. Krishna (Hyderabad


and And lira)
c. Kosi (Bihar)

The agreement reached Soviet Russia and China 2 Every year tea

on a ceasefire . in plaved an outstanding role. briue« to India foreign

Indo-China brought lo an India also made a ' great exchange valued at:

end the seven year old contribution, through r.i a lis- 40 crores

Indo-China war, which began Krishna Menon, in the u- I*3- &5 crores

at the port of Haiphong' success of peace . negotia- 0 R». 85 erores

in Dec mber 1946. It has lions and it has raised Indian 3. The Central Road

brought a great relief and prestige. Rsstiarch Emtituto is Iocs-

at the sanie time contributed India's role as the chair- ted at:

a great deaj In the cause of man of (the ihfernati"ri I'

world peace Armistic Supervision Com- ij ixdhi

Five months a&o, when mision will differ than that c_ Bangalore

the •si.uation in Indo-China • of Korea. With a hi.ter ' A hft e , f pj t

w.,s very grave ,1. was bn expene ce m Korea it wtll ,u

Nehru who made an appeal be better if she gets the „„«„„■„ 1 ,;„„.....„ „K„


for a c»asefire in Indo-China. complicated matters, if any
The Gctievi ' Conference ' blanfie'd before hand.

national income, about
Rs, !),C0t) crores, is expec-
ted to increase by:
CAR FOR DALAI LAMA a. more th-vn 5 pBr culU

began tile day after the
fall of Dieri Bien Phil & in

the beginning the confer encr . Ka'imponf, Julv 22. b more than 10 per cent
dealt with future of Korea The yellow Humber Car . c. more than loper cent

and- when it faied, the presented by the Chinese 5. The Radways have

prospects for peafceMn' .1 ndo- Govorment to the Dalai built about 285,000 rei»i

China was'not even con- J-ama has arrived here a dential units to house:

templated and the matters few days ago .from Calcutta - 1 gth of raHwaymed

•wre looking gloomy. . ' Arrangements are being b. l/6th of railwaymen

, ... made to dismantle Uhe car im.i c ' 1

While the negotiations for despatch to Lhasa. T he c. l/4th of nulwaymen

wcrs going on- .Lame) Go- cir has been specially made Answers

verhmem was detested and (or .^e Great Lama and . 1 -All three correct:

- then came, M. Meiu.es js fitledVltn manv tx(ra 2-(c>, 3-;b~; 4-(b) and

F ra. ee, who pledge1 peace ,- . flei - 5-(c). _

in a month or resign . It was -

due to his .courageous.and ' KUNZANG SHERAB tne Darjeeling Govo'nmont

determined effort the agree- Sri Kunzang Sherah College. He is the first Sik-

rficnt w-..s reached. On 1 his Bhutia of Gangtok has kimeso Bhutia to Pass

achievemeni the foreign succesfully passed the last the B. A. Exam, from

nisters of United Kingdom, B. A. Examination from Gangtok.