Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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August 1, 1954

i j v^h^. children drowned. The mo-

Editor : S fwj . •-• / i" V-v, nastery is 24 miles north

dip.kj;, *.*.i.s. (Lomi.)> c» -~->^_ to Lhasa.

Vol 7; - Ka\ lmpor.^ Am^m^t, I, I9S4 the floodwaters which over-

~ : whelmed Gyantse tillered

GOING DOWN THE SCALE thc lown in hu?e wavcs

preceded by booming noises

..' The Pakistan-Ame- of pottage in return. It and carth tremors. The

riean Pact seems to be expected to be appointed Chinese wireless station at

disillusioning the two leader of the Muslim Gyantse was submerged but

parties even before the world- Now it finds itself i,s personnel escaped,

implimontation. Shape of a junior] partner even in Gyantse fort survivors

things in East Pakistan, the Ankara-Karachi axis. have left Saugong for Ya-

Beem to have impressed As and when Egypt agrees mngj leaving the Indian

Washington-, that its hire- to p,ccept American arms, Trade Agent as an ob-

ling is not worth the hire. Pakistan will find its rink server.

The U.S.A. has many pushed-still further down rm-i'Dmon; appi7ai

other Countries to aid and tbe scale. UU\LKlNUK S Al L.AL

it is certainly not inclined ... The Governor of West

to aid Pakistan more than 0VER DROWNED . Bengal, Dr. H. C. Mocker-

it would serve as a firm IN MONASTERY jee, in a statement says :

argument with India. This Kalimpong, ' July 27 "A tragedy of great

alone explain* the com- ■ Monastery" near magnitude has occured in

parage modesty of the R. ^, ^^J*^ Gyantse where due to heavy

proposed American aid. M-~ KC' "uub, s . ,„j „„„„,.,j.n,„j n„„,i/

Durlnc the first vear this married sect of monks, is and unprecedented floods,

is T be of the orlr of rePorted tophave been des- .more than 300 lives have
R, 10 crores which is ■ troyed as A result of floods been lost. Among them

abou one sevenTh of Pa »' tilR Na>chU,lg River *<*e soldiers of our

k^n'^^retpence:: ?»* its- inmates 'of ,00 Army, who have perished

Much of this amount will lamas and "uns Wlth thelr (Continue! on page (I)


Turkey and wliich that ' • '

country does not seem to __.

want. Quite a big slice IlliSBKH^slBBsillS ^

of the re3t will no doubt ^^^^fetKj^^^^

be spent on defence fa.

cflities for the American Small fancy shape Rs 17/-; Pucca reldgold Rs. 23/-;

war muehine in the event 15 jewels golden Rs. 36/-; "51" Parker model Gold

of war. Cap Fountain pen Rs. 8/-.

Pakistan finds itself FREE !

in the position of having For Coming Puja Shopping PANCHAMRIT BHAWAN (HT)

sold away its soul with- Set our Big Booklet Post Box No. 10833

out so much as a mess Calender Free. CALCUTTA—9