Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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-t» <<m" Registered No. C3032



The Eiecutivo Engineer,
In the matter of the Co-operative Society Act, 1940. Eli8t -Cirjle. Public Health

and Eng'«SWg) P/ll, Miisipn

In the matter of the Kalimpone Industrial Co-operative Ho'vVJHn. (4th floor),

Societv Ltd. Calcuj^ invites sealed

.In the matter of the Kalimpong Central' Co-operative tend#4 in B, F. No. 2911

Bank Ltd. from Registered contrao-.

In the matter of the Kalimpong Co-operative Urban Bank tors nf th>» Directorate

Ltd. f°r "Maintenance k Re-

in the matter of the Pedong Central Co-operative Bank pairs to Kalimpong Water

Ltd. Supply for the year 1S54-

.Iu the matter of the Takling Cooperative M. P. Society ">5." Estimated cost : —
„ ' Ltd. Bs. 0S5O/-. Tenders duly

* superscribed wilh the name
It is hereby notified for the information of the of,the work must reach
members, shareholders, debtors creditors and depositors "? - P-'m. of August 20,
of the above mentioned' societies that the Statutory 1654- Tendeis must ae-
Auriit of the above mentioned societies at 30/6/54 " compavy the Chilian of
will be taken by us from the dates mentioned below. Rs. 3-'Husing ;> p c. of

the Earnest money of the

The members, share holdorS. depositors, creditors estimated value, deposited
and debtors are requested to verify' their individual »> Beserve Bank oi India,
a/es. with us on the Jates mentioned h-re., in the ('''l- or Kalimpong Sub
office of trie said societies. .. Treasury, under the head

C~ "Revenue Deposit", The

No separate verification slips will be issued. aforesaid Officer is . not

bound to accept the-lowest
. ' TT~ ' r it T^~n 1~~ or anv tender nor to assign

Name oi the Name of the Dotalh of any reason for the rejec.

Society Officer Audit ti/n „{ any teoder \io

reserves *.he ri£h*. to clis-

1. Kalimpong Industrial Sri M. B. 5,th to 12th .-vipt/54 tribute the works to more
Cooperative Society Thappa than one contractor. Spe-

2. Kalimpong Central do 24th to 30th Sept/34 <ifi<ation and Schedule of
: Co-operative Bank work tp»ther with B. F

No. 2911 will be obtained

3. Pedong Central do 25th to 30th Oct/.'>4 from the aforesaid office or
Co-operative Bank from the office of. Supdt.

4/Takling Co-operative do 10th to Uth Aug/54 Water Works Kalimpnr.g
M. P. Society Ltd. at Re- V- Per col'y Ten-

ders must accompang valid

5. Kalimpong Co operative 25th to 27th Sept/54 Income & Sales Tax clear-

Urban Bank Sri S. N. Roy ance certificates. Tender-

ers must quote rates both
Sd/- M. B. Thappa in figures as well as in

Aadit Officer words and the requisite

, amounts for each item and

Sd/- S C. Roy their total must be worked

Audit Officer out otherwise the tender

will be treated as informal.