Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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Four $imalag»n $imt»


Vol. a, ]NU. 2 - Ka\ AMgM?^, 22, 19S4


That the Government
of India is taking increas-
ing interest in Sports is
immediately evident from
two facts. They are the
Rajkumari Coching Sche-
me sponsored by Health
Ministry and the recent
conference of presidents
of Sports Federations of
India. The conference has
suggested the setting of
an All India Council of
Sports in the country.
This council will advice
all national sports orga-
nisations and will also act
as a co-ordinating agency
between them and between
them and the Go-
vernment. The oonferenoe
recommended that such
councils should be set up
at State levels Before
taking rigid decision, the
sports organisations at
state level should be con-
sulated and the education
Departments of-slate and
other responsible sports
organisation should whole
hnartedly co-operate.

Sporting activities should
be organised from " the
very bottom, banishing
groupism and power poli-
ties outright. The propos-

ed council of sports have
to create the. sporting
spirit in India whioh would
fill up the vaoum in life
of the youth of India.

We understand that the
Kalimpong Sports Associa-
tion is organising some
more oharity football
matches next month in
aid of several educational
and welfare associations
here. The associat'on also
organised charity matoheB
last month in aid of Char-
teris Hospital and also
for their own fund. -This
move of the association
is well appreciated by the
general public here. We
extend our thanks to the
Association for arranging
such charity matches.


Tndependeroe Liay w as
celebrated in a modest
but befitting manner in
the district of Darjeeling
this year. Various educa-
tional and public institu-
tions observed the Na-
tional Day - by holding
functions in their own

August 22,1954

At Darjeeling a free
•inema show was arran-
ged by the Publicity
Department at the Rink
Cinema and about ldUO
girl and boy students and
their teachers attended it.
Sri B 8. Kaghavan, i.a S.,
Sift-Divisional Officer, Dar-
jeeling Sadar and Sri I.
Sundas, District Publicity
Officer, Darjeeling spoke
on the occasion. Interest-
ing and educative films
produced by the Govern-
ments of India and West
Bengal were exhibited.
Records containing after-
prayer speeches of Gan-
dhiji were alsd played
and heard by all in pin-
drop silence. Publib mee-
tings were also held at
the Market Square in the

A free cinema-show
was also held in Kalim-
pong and more than a
thousand school-children
and teachers enjoyed the
Government Documentary
films. In the afternoon
the general public num-
bering about ten thousands
enjoyed the Independence
Day Shihld football mat-
ches. Sri S. N. koy. Sub-
divisional Officer, Kalim-
pong presided , over the
function and Srimati Roy
gave away the trophies.

Similar Cinema-show
was arranged in Eurseong
too. Sri D. B: Chhettri,
Chairman, Kuraeong Muni-
cipality, addressed the