Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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September 5, 1954



Sri M. M. Sirkar, Divi-
sional-Forest Officer, Buxa
Division, P. O. Rajabhac-
khawa, Dt. Jalpaiguri in-
vites sealed tenders from
approved Khedda mahal-
dar» tor the lease to catch
wild elephant by Khedda
Shikar (not Mela Shikar)
method during the period
from October ], 1954 to
February 28, 1955 in the
entire area of the Reser-
ved Forests of the' Buxa
Forest Division as' per
description below:- ivorth—
Reserved Forest boundary
bordering Bhutan Terri-
tory. East—Reserved Fo-
rest boundary bordering
Assam South—Reserved
Forest boundary bordering
part of Cooch Behar Dis
trict Khasmahal land
under Alipurduar Sub-
Division, and Tea Estates
West—Pana River and
thence Joygaon—Mathura
bagan District Board
Road. The map of the
area may be seen in the
Forest Range Offioe at
Rydak or Buksaduar or
Sub.Divisional Forest Offi-
ce nt Raj.ibhatkhawa or
Kumargramduar Subdivi-
t-ions. Tenderers must
produce valid Income Tax
and f ales Tax clearance
certificates along with each
tender. Tenderers must
quote a definite price being
royalty of each kind of
elephant removed from the
stockade ( e g., Ganosh,
tusker, makna. sarin, dhui

etc.) Calves of 3 —6" and
under, if oaught, shall be
released with their mothers.
The Departmental Ele-
phant ''Lady Mary" which
fled away with wild ele-
phants will,if caught, must
be handed over to Govern-
ment free of arjy charge.
The Forest Directorate
reserves the option of
taking over not iu excess
of five selected elephants
out of the catcheB subject,
to a maximum price of
Rs. 3,000/- each, including
royalty. The price will be
fixed by the Divisional
Forest Officer at his own
discretion. The successful
tenderer must sign an
agreement in prescribed
form for duly conducting
the Khedda Operation and
pay a security deposit of
Rs 500/- and must provide
a minimum of 20 suitable
kunki elephants (of which
2 must be good tuskers),
and 30 stpckade-men at
each stockade. No Depart-
mental elephant can be
spared for the. purpose.
No departmental guns will
be lent; but the depart-
ment will assist the lessee
in getting arms and ammu-
nitions Stockades must
be built in places selected
by the Divisional Forest
Officer, Buxa Division (or
his representative) and
with the prior written per-
mission of the Divisional
Forest Officer. Tenderers
must quote the number
of Btockades they are in
a position to run. They


New Delhi, Sept. 3

The people of Delhi will
soon have the thrill of
receiving telegrams from
their friends and relatives
in their Handwriting. Also
the sender of the tele-
gram will be able to seo
its oopy immediately.

The equipment for the
transmission of these tasci-
roilo telegrams, the fir>t
of its kind in India, pur-
chased in London, will be
installed in the Interna-
tional Stamp and Postal
Exhibition in Delhi, sche-
duled for October. The
equipment will be for local
use only. ,

must Btate the earliest
date on which they can
commence active opera-
tions Copies of the rules,
license and sohedules can
be obtained from the afore-
said Officer. Tenders, add-
ressed to the aforesaid
Officer by name and supers-
cribed "Tender For Khe-
dda Operation", must
reach by 12 noon of
September .".0, 1954 and
will -be opened at 12-15
P. M. on the same date
when tenderers may bo
present, 'fenders are lia-
ble to rejection, if they
do not comply with the
terms and conditions men-
tioned above. Acceptance
of the lowest or any
tender is not obligatory.