Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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September 26, 1954

ifiimnlnnan JLinten



Ireland founded in J 854

BY B. B. RAY CHAUDHURl and "Why I entered the

convent.' In "Straggle

(Our London Correspondent) With fortune ' there are

very interesting accounts

London, September 18 of the Medical school, and

the first Rector of the

The World Veterans certainly can offer all Catholic University, Dr.

Federation (W V.F.)who types of wonders for the Newman. The essays in

took a mountain climbing tourist as much as the this book are written-by

pick belonging to Tenzing entire Continent of Euiope members of the Univer-

and presented it to the or America. The Govern. aity College, Dublin, under

Secretary-General of the mem should alio give the general editorship of

U. N.O. expressed their greater facilities to foreign the President Dr. Michael

gratitude for the gesture tourists when visiting Tierney. There is a beauti-

to the Everest hero. Mr. India, such as Custom fu| sketch of the Univer-

Newoombe, the W. V F. facilities: Railway travel, 8ity in lS6'i. The chapter

Secretary 'General received hotel accommodation! etc. on Celtio Studies will also

the following reply from I have been invited appeal to many readers,

the I'.N O Secretary-Gene- to witness a new British The affairs of the Uni-

ral accepting Tenzing's card game called Calypso versity College, Dublin,

piok:- "With men like which the famous inter. are quite well known in

you and the W. V F. national Bridge player. Mr. the Aoademio world. "Why

pulling the ropes, I believe Kenneth Konotsm thinks I entered the convent" also

we can climb th« moun- will sweep Canasta off provides a most interesting

tain." On bis pick pre- and be popular in all Btudy.

sented to the U. N. O. countries of the world. Messrs Iliffe & Sons

Secretary General Tenzing As your Correspondent is have published two books,

inscribed ' o you may not a card game player viz:- 'The oscilloscope at

climb to even great-sr it took him a long time work"; and "Principles of

heights." to undersrand the game mass and flow production.'

The Tourist Depart- even helped by Mr. Kons- "The oscilloscope at work;
ment of the Government tam and other ' interna- is written by A. Haas
of India which is now tional gieat players, but and R. W. Hallows, M. A.
opening branches in beauty it seems that Calypso will This book, originally pub-
spots of India, including be Britain's newest export lisbed in France contains
/Jarjeeling, ought to pub- »• the entertainment n*ld. especial reference to Radio
lioise more, especially in I wonder how our Bridge and Television receivers.
Europe and America, the players will take to it. It has been adapted for
wonders of the. Himalayas. Messrs Browne & English-speaking readers
Many countries in the Nolan, one of the leading and considerably enlarged
west are now awakening Irish Publishers, have by R. W Hallows. It will
to the great possibilities brought out two very in- prove invaluable to any*
that lie in the Tourist teresting books,Viz - Stru one desiring to get the
industry. India most gglo with fortune"—a oen- 1 (Continued on page fl)