Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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September 26, 1954 <St-u»!..va» <U-»e» Nine


Kalimpong. Sept 24 TIONSOFDR GRAHAM'S Kalimpong, Sept.24

The following Athletic - HOMES The" members of the

Sports will be held on Kalimpong. Sept. 22 p„ja Parishad, Kalimpong

Saturday 23rd October, h> 541h Ririhday informs that the Kalim-

1954 at 2 p.m. under the rplebrat ions of Dr Gra- pong Sarbajanin Sii Dnrga

guidance of Kalimpong ham's Homes Kalimpong Puj i will be hold at

Sports Association. will be held in the Homes Kajtji's compound as usual

r c„n.-nP f„„*« Compound from Sept. 24 frcra 3rd to 7th October,

!• senior tvenw to October 23. 1954. 19G4. All are" hereby re-

(For Boys above 5 ) ^ que8ted t0 attend the

Entry fee /4/- per event DU ¥UU K.INUW Puja Mandap to co-ope-

J00 yds, 220 yds, 440 - 1. In the completion of rate us in making the festi-

yds, 880 yds. and ) mile Tndia s Five Year Plan the val a ^ggj_

Flat Race, High Jump, period left is about : LONDON LETTER

Long jump. Pole vault, ~ 2 An Institution of (Continued from page 5)

Obstacle face. thr„winC ?llhlip Anministra. ion to be9t out of his oscilloscope,

the Jav In Puding the promote the study of pub- An im feature is

shot. Mow Cycle race Col- he administration ,n all the w£|th of oscillograma

looting rings on cycle. aspects has been opened whjch be]p tjQ mak* the

II Intermediate Events ,n : ' book of such practical

For boys between 4'-8"-5' Answers value. ' Principles of mass

Fntrv fee .121 ner event 56° day8: 2- Delhi- aod flow Production" is by

fcntry tee per event -'- Frank G. Wollard. Mr.

100 yds, 22") yds Flat VI Junior Events Wooilard has had some

raca at'd Finding the oo u. For Girls below 4'-6" 30 years' experience of

III Junior Events Entry fee -/2/- per event ma8f> arid flow production
ri i i i / on ~, . . enunx < ring. Flow pro-
F,.r boys below -*'-8 100 yds Flat race Anth- dnuli()n *is frequently

Entry lee -/2/- per Event matio race,-Skipping race. thought of as being sui-

100 vds Flat, race, Sack VII. Tug-O'-War - Team of table only for large and

raoo Co.;k figbt. eight. 'Ot.try fee R*. 2/. Mjghly organised enler-

' " per team. prises. The author stresses,

IV Senior Events however, that its methods
For Girls above 4'-8" jW S^'lay race - Team of cftn be app3ied with the

Entry f,e .12/. per event W ^ • benef't8 <?, T'"

> team. quantities in small firms,

100 yds Flat race, tfg* (100, 200, 440, yds) ami that large capital is

and Spoon ra<;e, Potato . [p, , not essential to their

L, -„ X For Visitors— Ihread . • V ?'

race. " AT- ,. introduction

and Needle race.

V Intermediate Event ,
. , . .,(.,, X For Visitors — Blind-
ly or Girls between 4'-6 Fo|d ra(.e_

The entries should reach
Entry fee -/2/- per event tfce SecretarVi Kalimpong

100 yds Flat race, Ap- Sports issociations on or
pie race, Skipping race. before 15th October, 1954.

WANTED Salesmen for
different areas on RX.T5/-
per month plus commi-
ssion. Apply Dhakeswari
Motors Ltd, Depot Bazar,
Jalapahar Daijeelipg.