Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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a*™,. Registered No. C3032

TENDER NOTICE must accompany valid ™f hK* M^B"i°*^i"1

Income Tax & Sales Tax be 80,d b? Pubhc Auot,on

Sealed tenders in B.F. clearance certificates. Ten- at Munsif Court, Kalim-

2911 are invited from derers must quote rates l'ong at ' 1-30 a. m. on

the registered Contractors both in figures as well an. 10/11/54 by the Nazir of

of this Dirsctorate for in words and the requisite! of the Munsif Court, Ka-

ttie following work- Xa- amount of each item nnd limpong.

limpong Water, Supply their total must invaria- Schedule of Property

Extension Scheme-Laying bly be worked out, other- Khatian No 180 of

of Distribution M*m in wi8e the tender will be Paiyong K M Block under

^Development AreaKahm- treated ae informal. P. S. Kalirapong in the

'pong." Estimated cost:------i—- ~ct\ - v

Ra. 45,290/- Tenders, duly The Divisional Forest f 8«.,of ^arjeelug.

superscribed with the name Officer, Kalirapong Divi- ^and being 110 acres,

of the work, must be nion. P O. Kalimpong gent Rs. 1/5/. per annum,

submitted to the office of (Darjeeling), offers for sale *anikbetj Land.-

the Executive Engineer, of annual timber-coupes By order of Court

East Circle, P. H. Engi- of 1954-55, in the public Sd/. Illegible

neering, P/ll, Mission Row auction to be held at Civil Peshkar.

rExteosion, 4th floor, Cal- Chunabhati Forest Rest Munsif Court, Kalimpong

cutta by 2 P M of Septem- House, Bagrakote. P. O. 21st Sept.'1954.

ber 28, 1954 Tenders Pillanshat,Dist. Jalpaiguri, -;-—

must aocompmy the oha for Chel Neora and Ja1- _FOOTBALL_

Han for Rs. 2264/-. being dhaka Ranges on Se.ptem-

the Earnest monev at ber 37 and 28, 1954 and The Kalirapong Sports

5 p.o. of the estimated at Kalimpong Town Hall Association had decided

value, dHposited in Reserve for Kalirapong and Pan- to organi-o a charily fuq^t-

Bank of Tnd'a, Calcutta, * khasari Ranges on Septem- ball match in aid of fjoo'd

or Kalimpong Sub. Trea- ber 30, and October 1, relief fund between K. G

sury, under the head 1954. The auction will R, D Darjeeling and K»-

• Revenue deposit'. The start at 10 A. M on the limpong selected but un-
aforesaid Offio r is not appointed dates. Parti- fortunately the D D A A.,
bound to accept the lo- culars may be had from Drirjreling informed us by
i west or any tender nor the aforsaid Officer. phone on Tuesday that they

• to assign any reason for - --- will not allow the B. O.

jthe rejeotion' of any ten- NOTICE R. p. to play a chavity,

Ider. He reserves the right In the Court of Munsif match at Kalimpong. As

to distribute the works at Kalimpong. such the Association regrets

to more than one contrac- Money Ex No. 13/54 to announce that the pro-

tor. Speoifioation and Baldhan Rai.....D/Hr. posed, charity match could

sohedu e, of work together vs. . not be played on 2r>/9/51

with B F. 2911 will be Rambahadur Pradhan— as scheduled.

obtained from the afore. J/Dr. N. N. Boual

said office or the office Notice is hereby given Secretary,

of the Superintendent Ka- that in the above case „ ',. u' .

limpong Water Works at the following property of Jvalimpong faports

Rs 5'-per copy. Tenders Ram Bahadur Pradhan of. Association.

Printed k Published by 8. C. Jain for Himalayan Industrial & Trading
Corporation ttd, at the Himalayan Printing Works, Kalimpoo?.