Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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October 3.. 1954

jRiutniagan (|imrt



Darjeeling, Sept. 29
Eleven Agricultural
Research schemes spoti-
Bored by West Bengal
involving a c at of about
Rs. 5 lakh have baen re-
commended for sanct on
by the Temperate and
Eastern Regional Uommi
ttee of the Indian Conn
oil of Agriculiural Reseat h
which bus concluded ita.
deliberations at Darjeeling.
The Committee has reco-
mmended another 21 sche-
mes sponsored by the
other Status and Research
Organisations. The West
Bengal Sohsmes include
research on Boro Paddy
Cultivation, Die-back di-
seases of Guava, Indian
spices cyto-genetical ntu-
dies of some of the West
Bengal Fruit trees Paddy
pests, roil research etc.

Dr. R. Ahmed Minis
ter for Agriculture and
Animal Husbandry and
StarBK R parole, Vice-
Chaiman, Indian Council
of AgricVltifffll'-Research;
visited the State Seed
'Po'ato Research Station at
Rangbull on 24th inst The
Minister and Shri Darale
were taken jround the State
farm Laboratory and
godown where several
thousand maunds of seed
potato were stored before
distribution to the local

The ohildren of the
local primary school


Darjeeling Sept. 29

The Government of
West Bengal have consti-
tuted for the district of
Darjeeling a Regional
Transport Authority con-
sisting of the following
members :

The Deputy Coromi-
Fsioner, Darjeeling, Chair-
man; the Executive Engi-
neer, Works ai)d-Building8
Department, Darjeeling
Division: the Superinten-
dent of Police, Darjeeling;
Srimati A.R. David Mohan,
Kalimpong; Sri Biswe6ar
Agarwalla. Siliguri; Sri
jGeorge Mahbert, M L A.,
Member, District Board,
Marjeeling; Sri Madan
Kumar Pradhan, B. L.,
Vice-Chairman Kalimpong
Municipality. Sri Kiran
Chandra Bhattacharjee,
Siligmi; -the Magistrate-
in charge of the Motor
Vehicles Department, Dar-
jeeling, Secretary.

, presented a guard of
honour to the Minister
who later on addressed
them and distributed
sweets among them in the
presence of the Deputy

The Delegates to the
Temperate and Eastern
Regional Committee of
the ICAR also visited the
State Agricultural Farm
at Kalimpong on 25th


Darjeeling, Sept. 29
Youth Hostels, started
by the Education Depart-
ment, West Bengal, for
providing camping faci-
lities to students of this
State are situated at
Ghoom Bhanjang, Mam
Bhanjang, T,onglu, San-
dakpu, Bhagora and Dow
Hill in the district of
Darjeeling and at Hashi.
mara, in Jalpaiguri dis-
trict Those will be avail-
able for the use of bona-
fide students of schools
and colleges during the
ensuing Puja hoi.days in
October and November,
J 954. Applications from
intending students may be
submitted to the Officer
on Speoial Duty, N C C ,
Education Department,
Writers' Buildings, Cal-
cutta, from whom appli-
cation forms and other
details may also be had

All the Youth Host< Is
mentioned above, have,
adequate accomodation &
cooking arrangements, in-
cluding cooking utensils,
crockery etc. They are
conveniently situated, easi-
ly accessible by train and
road and provide immense
scop for treking and sport,
and for natural beatity of
the hilly regions. Students
of geography, geology, bi-
ology and history are likely
to find plenty ot material
for study and research
near about.