Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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October 3, J954 Simnlaunii J£tme» Nine

Did you know By Scio

Roger Bannister, Oxfoid (Eng- It has been proved, that during The contrary lakes in Swit-

land) medical student, reached the Korean War, the Soviet zorland are black and white!

one of man s hitherto un- , Union had tactical troops and LEJ NAIR is inky black,

attainable goals (Vlay 1954) technical advisors in North contains black trout and drains

when he ran a mile in 3 Korea aiding in the aggression into the Black Sea. LEJ

minutes and f>9.4 bojonds. against the Republic of South ALN U* milky white, • has

He confounded tho exparts by Korei. Orders ware transmitted white trour, and drains in the

running on damp cinders, in i:i Ru Bian until they reached opposite di estion into the

a latitude 10 degrees south tV- North Koreans who were VLeditU'rafiean Sox ..yet the-

of what the expeHs pTescrib-d doing the fighting and dying, two lakei are only a f*w

as ideal and in a wind blowing Then the Korean languago yards apart !

up to 15 mi'es per hour. was used.

Do You Know That

New Delhi, Sept. 27

I. ]n 1953, the pre-
du.'tion of indigenous foot-
wear was 2-13 million
p'airR as compared to 1.8
million pairs in 1952.

2 'lhe Lower Bha
vani Dam which aims at
irrigator g about 207,000
additional ncres of land,
started giving water 'in
September 1952

3. To keep pace with
accelerated tempo of the
Fiye Year Plan, the Cen-
tral Power Works Depart-
ment has at it8 disposal

in 1954-55, the sum of
Rs 30 crores

' 4. The National Plan
Loan which gave an
opportunity to the hum-
blest citizen to subscribe
for national development
totalled at closure about
Rs. 150 crores

5. Under the Five
Year Plan, 200 road bridg-
es aTe to be constructed
at a cost of Rs 17 crores.
Twenty-five bridgea have
already been completed at
a cost of Rs. 3 crores,
while construction work
is in progress on 80 more

Darjeeling, Sept. 29

The Government of
West Bengal have sanc-
tioned a sum of R«>.
80.000/- for providing free
tuition to the Scheduled
Tribes students of West
Bengal in the seoondary
stage during the current
financial year and the sum
has been placed at the
disposal of the Director
of Public Instruction,
West Bengal.
