Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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October 17; 1954

Darjeeling, Oct. 10

The first development
work under the National
Extensiou Service* in Dar-
jeeling district was started
oa 10th i«nt. at Poobong
Khasmahal—15 miles away
from Darjeeling. With
the joint efforts of the
Government and the local
villagers a motorable road
will be constructed here.
There was a large gather-
ing of enthusiastic villa-
gers from the surrounding
Khasmahal Bustees. Offi-
cials of different depart,
merits also attended. Shri
K. K. Kay, l.A.S. Deputy
Commissioner, Darjeeling
was the first person to
take up the ppade and
give a start to the work.
Sri B Bagchi, Superin-
tendent of Polite, Dar-
jeeling and other officers
also joined him. At pre-
sent there is only a bridle-
path which connects the
Taktfah main road with
Poobong Bustee. The cons
truction of this read would
remove the long felt want
of the villagers of that
area who had agreed to
complete the work with
the Government contri-
bution of Rs.0,000/- while
bearing the balance of
equal amount by offering
voluntary labour. The work
would be executed accord-
ing to the plan and esti
mates prepared by the Dis-
trict Engineer who would
also supervise the work.

ifinuahujuu Crimes

In his brief speech the
Deputy Commissioner ex-
pressed his hope that the
hill-people who were true
U their word would go
abend to complete the
w_>rk in about two months
time through their hearty
co-operation and voluntary
labour. Their achivement
would inspire the villagers
of neighbouring areas also
to take up such works* in
their respective villages,
he added.

An amount of Rs. 1500/-
as the first instalment of
the Government contribn
tion towards the above
scheme was handed over
by the Deputy Commi-
ssioner to the Chairman
of the Takdah Co opera-
tive Multipurpobe Society.
Sri Gokuldas Chetrij Man-
dal of the Poobong Khas-
mahal thanked the Govern-
ment on behalf of the
villagers and appealed the
latter to give sincere co-
operation in the noble


1. The first Postmaster-
General in India was ap-
pointed in 1774 when there'
were only six post offices
in the country.

2. Nearly 50 million
villagers—one out of every
5 villagers in India—are
benefiting from Community
Projeots and National
Extension Service *pro-

'1 hree




The Consumers of

Electricity, Kalimpong

Dear Sir/s,

We regret to inform
you that we are not in
a position to supply
additional lights during
the ensuing 'D«wali Fes-
tival" as all our plants
now run with over load
in the evening More load
means breakdown of
plants. So, we request
our consumers not to use
more lights than what
they are usually burning.
We expect our new plants
by the month of April/
May next when there will
be no trouble in providing
more lights in the future.

Further, we beg to men-
tion here that, as per
Indian Electricity Rules,
no consumers should add
anv more light points
without the written con-
sent of the supply Com-
pany auJ also no suoh
work should be done ex-
cept by a Government
licensed contractor.

We hope our consumers
will sympathetically con-
sider the situation so as
to avoid any breakdown
in the supply.

S P. Das Gupta

Engineer in-chargt