Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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Siw«a»a 4<m„ RefiiWrtd No. C30J2

New Delhi, Oct 11

The Central Board of
Revenue has issued a revi-
sed Bet of rules for the
clearance of the baggage
of passengers arriving at
the various sea and air
ports in India from places
other than Pakistan, Cey.
Ion and the French and
Portuguese possessions in
India. The new rules
will Uke effect from Octo-
ber 25, 1954.

Under the rules 60
far in force, the bonafide
baggage of passenger com-
prising his wearing appa-
rel and other personal
effects was exempt from
Customs duty provided
the articles were not for
sale and weTe imported
for the personal use of
the passenger himself or
members of 'bis family
actually travelling with
him and provided their
value did not exceed cer-
tain specified limits. Duty
had to be paid on all
goods, however small the
value, which were inten-
ded for presentation as
gifts or as souvenirs.

The Central Board of
Revenue has now altered
the scheme of the Baggage
Rules with a view to
removing these difficulties
and making these rules
simple and easy to operate^

The new rules give a
small list of articles which
can be passed free of duty,
such as wearing apparel
and oigarettes and alcoho-
lic liquors upto a speci-
fied limit of quantity or
value if imported for the
persona] use of the passen-
ger In addition there is
a provision for admitting
articles without payment
of duty upto a maximum
value of Rs. 2,000/- pro-
vided that these can rea-
sonably be so considered
as baggage or are such
as might normally be
brought as gifts or sou-
venirs. Arms and ammu-
nition, furniture, refrigera-
tors, motor cars, etc., will,
however, continue to be
charged to duty.

With a view to provid-
ing facilities for the ex-
peditious clearance of the
personal effects of tourists,
an additional provision has
also been made for passing
free of duty articles such
as medical appliances,sport-
ing gear, camping equip-
ment, etc., brought by
tourists on the condition
that the goods will be re-
exported on the departure
of the tourist passenger
from this country.

Detailed information
can be had on applica-
tion to the Custom Houses
at the major ports.


The Pubatojpjf Kalimpong
is hereby -dmermed that
the Kalitti'pSrig Electric
Supply Cefiylitd., is not
in a position to give fur-
ther new connections a?
well as new extension of
light points to the exis-
ting installations of, the
consumer! till the Com-
pany install a new set,
as the present load has
exceeded the capacity of
the existing plants.

S. P. Das Gupta



Notice is hereby given
that the Policy No. 827528
on,the life of Mr. Sukumar
Sanyal is lust and that
the surrender value in
entire cancellation of the
Policy will be paid to
the assured unless objec-
tion ia, lodged with us
within one month
from this date. All claims
after the expiration of
the aaid period of one
month will b» considered
waived and of no effect.
0. S. Vaidyanathan
Oriental Govt. Security
Life Assurance Co., Ltd.

Printed k Published by 8. C. Jain for Himalayan'Industrial & Trading
Corporation Ltd, at the Himalayan Printing Works, Kalimpong.