Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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TWILIGHT "'Take, give this to hood ? Well, with advan-

(Continued from page 8) \ father/' Thus, in cing years\ as one starts
v order, the family is ser- downhill tMn middle age,
I ana. brought down ve(j The children hove- there is ^growing len-
to earth again by the rjng round expectantly dency to rapend less ener-
sudden yelps of the dog, are 8eated. The meal gy. [t isMhot worthwhile
whe catapults out whining- begins under the roving wasting one's energy on
ly from withiti. the huf eyes of the toother. Bones aimless haggling and argu-
A length of" projected' rattling on brass, slopping ments. And with this
firewood whirls out behind of gravy...Mealtime. Sear- waning spirit, I have been
it. As soon as the missile ching fingers, mine, in a content to drift along the
lies harmless on the spa 0f gravy. Bones, line of least resistance! I
ground, the animal is back bones and yet more bones, have gradually cdme to
at the door, peeping in with merely veneers of shift all responsibilities on
cautiously with a half .flesh. Though my inner to my wife's shbi#f^S; I
hearted wagging of its beipg rebells against this have come to let her nag
tail. I turn to look into nnjuf<t distribution, I do and crow at will, order
the house and receive a not utter a 8jng|e WOId the children anil manage
fuU blabt of spiced ema- of protest. There are the household. Now she
nations The aroma inci- raany other ways than has come to guard her
tea my salivary glands, voluble protestations. Be- position, evfn as a jealous
visions of a plateful of 8idep j understand these hen her chicken*. Seme-
snowy-white rice and a Beeminglv 'peckish4 moods times, she seems to think
bowlful of savoury curried 0f the ' Mother. I know that I mighftiy to rtcap-
butfalo are conjured up... j„st what I must do. I' ture mv perch as cock-
The hlgh-p.tched voice of take up a bone and chew of the " roost. At *uch
the Mother:of my Children npon itf makl0g a8 \on(\ . time8 she becomes d< libe-
orders the children at a rattle as I can with ray lately overb'-ariig in her.
various tasks suddenly; limited teeth. Crunch..', dealings towardp me. She
"And, wht-ra is that.father gnaw...gnaw...crack rattle tr.es to assert her supe-
Of yours ? Moonmg as. ...r»t»l«! the eagle eye riority even in trifling
usual I guess!' she is jfJ focs,ecj in rav direction matters. If she but only
perfectly aware that 1 Seemingly oblivious of Realised that, her attitude
uaohear h*r distinctly. thi(J faot. T con6entrate at such times merely
further: "Go tell him to on the bone For a mo amil8es rne. For, deep
fetch in some wood. I m(Mltj there is a glint of down within me, I know
never seem to get any dmance in that eye. .hen that in spite of her out-
help in this home ! she re|ent5> The e|dost ward show, the bond bet- '

As I enter the smoke- daughter is told to fetch ween us, Inrged and wel-
filled hut, the clanging of father's bowl. The ladle ded by years of ups-and-
plates and pans tells me '8 dipped more choosingly. downs together, can hardly
thtvt it is time for the The bowl returns with bn severed by a few pec-
serving of the evening some choice fleshy chunks. kings of a hen's beak. I*
meal. My 'Better—Bitter* Am I not the Head ,iave had my (lay; 1 am
if you prefer it—Half of the House ? .Am I a content. The sun of our
site at ber accustomed 'hen-pecked' blob on tho "ve8 has passed its zenith,
place before the hearth. upstanding name of man- Twilight is hear.

Printed & Published -by 8. C. Jaih for Himalayan Industrial & Trading

Corporation Ltd, at the Himalayan Printing Works, Kalimpoog.