Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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.,DTU.M NEPAL IN DARJEELINb npe]% Darjeeling Division,

car I man Darjeeling, Nov. 5 Darjeeling, invites sealed

Kalimpong, Nov. •> Sri Matrika Prasad tenders in B. F. No. 2911

T, c „ . - .. „ Koirala the Prime Minis (j,) from the enlisted Class

J$t£t7 fn TiXZ S of Nepal arr.ved here \ &11 (Sntracto^ and

were pawed in a pudiic nn old November, 54 from combination^of Class III

meeting held m the Lowu on' -Jrd No Contactors of W.

Hal on 1st ltist. under K.atnmanou. a, * _ i .

the presidentship of Mr. . Sri Koirala who is & B. Department as per

N.B Gurung. M L A. to one of the members of ruU, ao^f^ reliaWe^

condemn the high handed- the newly formed Moun- f^LSSSSSL&

ness of a local Forest taineenng Institute atten- y on a new

Officer . ded the Board's meeting g£

"This meeting of th« He is leaving tor Dt# Tenders will

public of Kalimpong ex- eastern Nepal on a official ^ rpce.ived upto 3 p. m.

press their strong objection visit. Qf November 16, 1Sj54.

and condemn the high GOVERNOR'S FLOOD Estimated cost :-. Us. 63,

handedness of the Local RELIEF FUND 300/-. tCainest money

Forest Ranger who after • • • v .. m 4 amounting to Rs. 1,066/ ,

calling a local Cartman Kalimpong, *v . deposited either in Trea-

in his .office on 30 10 54 The Rev. Mother So- (_lliy or Reserve Bank

b«at him severally. This perior St. Joseph sLonvent, Chalian or pledged Govt,

meeting further resolves Kalimpong has contributed secuii ies or in N S. Cer-

tp move the .authorities Rs. 625'12,'- lo the Cover- tificates, muet accompany

concerned to investigate nor of West Bengal for his eRCD tender. Attest'd

into the matter and take Hood Relief Fund, lhe COpie8 of Income Tax and

necessary action on the amount was collected by Sa|e lax Clearance Cer-

said Officer. performance of variety tificates or in their absence

„,.. 4. f shows, by the students of documents to prove that

Thie meeting further ex- the St. Joseph's Convent nptod8te accounts have

presse its strong protest Rn(J St phUomena'sPchool, b£.D aubmiUed to proper

against the oppression and Ka]impong( in October, authnrities must be pro-

vindict ve.action, of th« 4/ , . duced along with each

Forest Department of-- ---_ du&ide contrac-

kalimpong Range in the Qur London Letter tor8 must prove their

uav to day administration „ - . , ■« '„ ~,„i .„,.„,,,.

t/th* poor Forest tenants, (Continued from page 5) bona^es^

lease holders of grass and covers the manufacturing ce« etc to the aforesaid

fuel and other contractors of rayon, weaving 111 auto- Officer beforeta. d o her

which has made it diffi- matic looms, yarn dyeing, wise tender forms wM not

cault. for th se tenants to printing of rayon materials, be sold to them. Fart,

live and work under the etc. Indeed, it covers all culars can be >een n the

-Forest Department. It is aspects of rayon and syn- ^^^l^^&nB

: resolved that the Forest thetic fibres production.

Directorate be moved to Companion to this volume Engineer, Nort em U.cle

'. investigate.into thismatter is/"The British Wool ^ring

and proper action taken." Manual".__ hours on week days.

Printed & Published by 8. C. Jain for Himalayan Industrial & Trading

Corporation Ltd. at the Himalayan Printing Work*, Kalimponc