Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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November 14, J 954


(Our London Correspondent)
London, November 6

Dr K. D. Kumria,
Editor of "The Indian"
and "The African & Co
lonial World ', has circu-
lated a message which he
received from His Grace
the Archbishop of Cyprus.
Dr. Kumria, who is one
of the lead ng figures in
the London-Indian commu-
nity, met the Archbi-hop
of Cyprus in Lmdon when
he returned from the
U.N 0. In hi* mes«age
\o the people of India
His Grace the Archbishop
hoped that Indians w^o
valiently fought against
British Imperialism and
wjn freedom would support
tne cause of the pe pie
of Cyprus demanding in-
corporation with Greece.
The Archbishop deplored
that during his visit to
the UNO he interviewed
Mr. Krishna Menon but
received no support from
the leaier of the Indian
Dalegation to the U N.
Mr. Menor. pointed out to
the Archbishop th«i Cy-
priots. are not demanding
Self determination but oulv
a change of sovereignty.

It seems a large num-
ber of. Anglo Indians are
migrating from India, and

the majority of them are
coming to England in the.
forlorn hope that they
will find this country a
land of milk and honey.
In India perhaps these
Anglo-Indians suffered
from the illusion that
England is their "home-
land" but many of them
who are now in this coun-
try are gradually realising
that the average English-
man iR not treating them
as their kith and kin.
There is racialism and the
colour bar under the sur-
face, and the ekin of the
majority of Anglo-Indians
who have migrated i* not
of the same colour as
that of the Anglo-Saxons
or the C^lts. Anart from
<hnt he will not find cushy
jobs in this country. I
have known rases of Ang'o-
Ind'ans who travelled with
me from India with the
?dea of securing big jobs
in various industries for
which no doubt they have
some qualifications, but
unfortunately, soon after
arrival they had to join
as Sorter, Postman, etc, •
and if the Union permits
perhaps Dock Labourer.

The Museum Press has

published two very interes-
ting books, viz:- "Wheee
God Laughed"; and Pbci-
fic Pearl." Where God
Laughed" is the Sudan
story by Anthony Mann.
The author vividly descri-
bes the tragedies of race
relations, the religious con-
flicts, and the memories
of slave raids. Mr. Mann
talked with an old man
bought out of slavery in
1904 for 3/-. He collected
many interesting . photo-
graph and materia] during
his visit last year. Na-
turally,' being the Corres-
pondent of the ultra-Con-
servative "Daily Telegra-
ph", Mr. Mann did not
quite agree with the pro-
gressive measure* of one
of the ablest election
Commissioners of our time
sent out tn Sudan, Mr.
Sukumar Sen. Michael
Cronin's "Pacific Pf.ari "
is a romantic thriller in a
small town, Lirana, in the
tropical .ocean. There is
nothing very special about
this book. It is just an
ordinary murder story and
the hero is the inevita-
ble Nur Yorker called
Kennedy Foster, bnt I
dare say there must be
some demand for all kinds
of thrillers nowadaysi

The Omega Press of
Reigate, England, will very
soon be well known to
the people of the Orient
for important and interes-
ting publications on Spiri-

(Continued on page 7)