Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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The place of honour among the Allies should be given to Belgium,
though it is far from being the most important or powerful country.
It was the spirit of heroism on the part of this small nation which
offered the first resistance to the forces of Germany and held up its
strength and thus gave time for France and England to organize their
forces for the cause of liberty and civilization. No tribute of praise
can be too much for a people, who, sure of defeat and ruin in the event
of war with a powerful kingdom, chose the path of honour and not of
meek submission. Introducing a complimentary volume to King
Albert of Belgium, containing tributes to the Belgium King and
people from representative men and women throughout the world,
Hall Caine wrote :—
“ With nothing to gain by taking up arms, with no territory to
annex, no commerce to capture, no injury to revenge, having neither
part nor lot in any European quarrel, desiring only to be left alone
that she might pursue the arts of peace, Belgium found herself
confronted suddenly by the choice of allowing her soil to be invaded
by a powerful neighbour on his way to destroy his enemy, or of
protecting her independence as a separate nation by the whole
strength of her armed resistance. Although one of the smallest and
least agressive of the countries of Europe, the daughter among the
nations, Belgium, true to her lofty political idealism, chose the latter
part, not counting the cost, only realising that a ruthless crime was
about to be committed, and drawing the sword after thedsword had
been drawn against her, in defence of her honour, her national
integrity, her right to be mistress in her own home, her historic
heritage of freedom and all the spiritual traditions of her race. In
doing this during the past fateful months, Belgium has fought
not only her battle but also the battle of France, the battle of
Great Britain, and the battle of Freedom. By her brave stand
against incalculable odds she has added a new and inspiring chapter
to the heroic annals of humanity and perhaps lifted to a higher level
the future destiny of man.”