Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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confront and overthrow an unparalleled assault upon the continuity
of civilization and the peace of mankind.
“The calamitous conflict is not of my seeking. My voice has
been cast throughout on the side of peace. My Ministers earnestly
strove to allay the cause of strife and to appease differences with
which my Empire was not concerned. Had I stood aside when, in
defiance of pledges to which my Empire was a party, the soil of
Belgium was violated, and her cities laid desolate, when the very life
of the French nation was threatened with extinction, I should have
sacrificed my honour and given to destruction the liberties of my
Empire and of mankind. I rejoice that every part of the Empire is
with me in this decision.
“ Paramount regard for treaty faith and the pledged word of
rulers and peoples is the common heritage of England and of India.
“ Among the many incidents that have marked the unanimous
uprising of the populations of my Empire in defence of its unity and
integrity, nothing has moved me more than the passionate devotion
to my Throne expressed both by my Indian subjects and by the
Feudatory Princes and Ruling Chiefs of India, and their prodigal
offers of their lives and their resources in the cause of the
Realm. Their one-voiced demand to be foremost in the conflict has
touched my heart, and has inspired to the highest issues the love
and devotion which, as I well know, have ever linked my Indian
subjects and myself. I recall to mind India’s gracious message to the
British nation of goodwill and fellowship which greeted my'return in
February, 1912, after the solemn ceremony of my Coronation Darbar
at Delhi, and I find in this hour of trial a full harvest and a noble
fulfilment of the assurance given by you that the destinies of Great
Britain and India are indissolubly linked.'

The King’s Message to the Indian Troops in France.
“I look to all my Indian soldiers to uphold the Izzat of the
British lluj against an aggressive and relentless enemy. I know with
what readiness my brave, loyal Indian soldiers prepared to fulfil this