Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 16.1902

DOI issue:
No. 64 (June, 1902)
DOI article:
Jenkins, Will: Illustration of the daily press in America, [1]
DOI article:
Monypenny, Emma L.: The art of Edmond Theodore van Hove
DOI Page / Citation link: 

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E. T. Van Hove

varieties of line as are most natural to pen and
ink. Charles Sarka has done much excellent
“news” work, as well as subject drawings and
illustrations in more ambitious fields.
Mr. Stein is best known for his striking rendering
of portraits. His dashy, “ etchy ” system of lines
is especially suited to the interpretation of exact
but delicate modulation of colour, light and shade
as in this portrait of Alphonse Daudet from the
work by Carriere. There is much feeling of the
original paint in this drawing.
Ability to strongly express character—or some-
times greatly emphasise it—is in many subjects a
valuable qualification to the newspaper artist. In
the example of Mr. Thorndike’s work, illustrating
an incident in a criminal trial, this has been neces-
sary. Most of the actors in this scene—judges,
council, witnesses, prisoner, etc.—had previously
become familiar to the public
through the many illustrations
published during the trial; it then
became necessary to have each
person depicted in such a manner
as to be easily recognised by the
readers, and any peculiarity of
face or figure forcibly drawn.
This artist has also done excellent
work as a political cartoonist.
The drawing, by V. H. Baily,
of a crowd before a newspaper
bulletin on the evening of a
Presidential election is both cha-
racteristic as an example of “staff”
work, and as an illustration of
a scene common to American
cities, when events of great public
interest are being turned into
news. This drawing is also an
example of “rush” work, the
sketch on the spot being made,
the drawing laid out, finished, and
engraved to appear in the earliest
edition issued after the event.
The pencil drawing of a shipbuild-
ing scene shows this artist’s me-
thods of setting down data for use
in making his drawings. The
original was made much larger,
and the drawing the same size as
the sketch for about “one third re-
duction.” The reproduction of
the pen drawing of the same sub-
ject is cut from a full-page group
of scenes illustrating an artist

describing the various kinds of work going forward
in certain shipyards.
The drawing of a yacht race (“ Columbia ” and
“ Constitution ”) by Mr. Hofacker is representative
of his clever work in marine subjects, and is from
pencil sketches “ on the spot.”
All of these drawings were originally reproduced
much larger; in fact, to the scale suitable to make
them effective on the usual newspaper page. E
has been necessary to reduce them in order to
render them available for use in The Studio.
( To be continued.)
The art of edmond Theo-
Edmond Theodore van Hove wras born at
Bruges, in 1851, and after making his first studies at