Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 20.1903

DOI Heft:
No. 77 (July, 1903)
DOI Artikel:
Baldry, Alfred Lys: The spring exhibitions: the Royal Academy
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 
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Mr. Waterhouse, indeed, has not often before
touched so high a level, admirable artist as he
always is. His is an exquisite picture, with
wonderful grace of design and draughtsmanship,
and rare subtlety of colour; his
a scheme of purple, green, and white, is as charming
in execution as it is persuasive in sentiment; and
his ZrZa 2272Z WaTYAjw, two figures beside a stream
with a forest background, is largely felt, and is
painted with masculine directness. Mr. Orchard-
son's AZ-J. &2%%?72.f 272 2^22 <S^222%M 2?/ <$27* ^27^2222
has in full measure those qualities of
execution, tone management and dramatic ex-
pression, which have made his works so popular
for many years past; and Sir E. J. Poynter's
Caw <?/ /<%2? C2*a7*772 A^772^/^i, a larger version of
the picture he exhibited last spring, is an exception-
ally good example of his learned workmanship. It
has those faults of dull colour and thin, empty
brushwork which are hardly ever absent from his
paintings, but the academic correctness of the
drawing, and the serious accuracy of the pictorial

statement, make it distinctly worthy of attention.
It tells its story, too, with due significance.
There are other figure pictures which can be
chosen for notice because they have either sound-
ness of method or effectiveness as illustrations of
the subjects selected. Mr. G. W. Joy's a/*
IGyWy WaCMrY is very delicately imagined, and
has beauty of style ; Mr. J. H. F. Bacon's
and ^4 Wf772 a72rY are clever little canvases, and his
larger picture Z%2? /T2777227gY - (?W272^*, HFT2*7722'72J2'Y7*
^22^22^ <?//$, is a successful rendering of
an historical scene; Mr. J. M. Swan's Aw and
are adequate examples of his always
individual art; Mr. Stanhope Forbes in his W27772222A
and 7?f72722/ 2*/%Y G227722) 7?7Y is more than usually
decisive and vigorous; and Mr. S. Melton Fisher's
is especially brilliant in its
technical readiness and its gaiety of colour. Then
there are Mr. G. H. Boughton's ^7222^72, Mr. H. S.
Tuke's 7%; -SAwriway, Mr. E. A. Abbey's Zbt*-
/27727-7*2, Mr. E. P. Fox's pretty picture, yl Zaw
.S/277y, Mr. Byam Shaw's Z272V wrw/Z

