Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 20.1903

DOI issue:
No. 77 (July, 1903)
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still life, very sumptuous
in colour, attracted much
attention ; M. R. Janssens
exhibited a fine AZg'-fw
<r M. O. Coppens
some faithful studies of
Flemish landscape; MM.
Baes and Van den Eeck-
houdt various pastel and
charcoal studies; M. A.
Lynen some extraordinary
drawings, full of bold and
happy fancy ; M. Fabry,
The screen representing
Vg7tV<%)g, embroidered by
Madame Derudder, and
the jewellery, of every
variety, executed by M.
Ph. Wolfers, once more
showed with what skill
these artists handle precious
and decorative materials.

every department. In resigning his high post
Mr. Taylor may look with satisfaction and pride,
not only upon the past traditions, but also upon
the present sound and healthy condition of the
school he has loved and served so well.
A. S.W.
H ^ RUSSELS.—The eleventh annual exhibi-
) ^ tion of the Brussels club Vc?;7*
P H was noteworthy for a distinctly loftier
* ^ vein of feeling and more careful execu-
tion than of yore, as seen especially in the
examples sent by the painter A. Ciamberlani
and the sculptor V. Rousseau.

M. Ciamberlani exhibited a series of good studies
as well as the large painting called &7-g7;g, a
very poetical and essentially decorative work,
broadly and at the same time carefully painted.
Among the various pieces sent by M. Rousseau
what appears to have most captivated the public is
a dainty statuette, ZXg HVwa/z zcZZ a Z?hZ wonder-
fully free and delicate in the modelling.

Of the monumental figures exhibited by M
Braecke and M. Derudder, that by M. Braecke
was remarkable for its architectural simplicity of
line, that by M. Derudder for. dramatic emphasis.
Among the painters, M. A. Verhaeren's studies of

Some interesting exhibitions have recently been
held in the rooms of the Cercle Artistique at
Brussels: a collection of landscapes by M. A. J.
Heymans, the finest of the Belgian landscape
painters now living; and one of the works and
studies of G. M. Stevens, including genre, portraits,
landscapes and flowets, drawings and engravings.
A series of landscapes, too, by M. Rul and M.
Sohie; and g/fAwg by M. Jacobi.

M. J. Delvin, a painter of Ghent, whose work
has often been praised in THE STUDIO, has been
appointed Director of the Academy of Fine Arts
at Ghent. It has been said with truth that " no
better choice could have been made. To his
merits as an artist M. Delvin adds qualifications
as a professor, which give great hopes as to the
prospects of the school under his guidance."
F. K.
Z!%g Zgg/% yhA Illustrated by R. T. ROSE.
The Abbey Press, Edinburgh. (London: George
Bell & Sons.) net.—Well printed on hand-
made paper and bound in limp vellum, this little
volume has all the general attractiveness character-
istic of work issued by the Abbey Press. Mr. Rose
has been fairly successful in catching the spirit of
the tragic poem that has been the subject of such
varied criticism, and he has realised the characters