Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 20.1903

DOI Heft:
No. 80 (October 1903)
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If You Are Interested in Plant Life
charming native wild Rowers, you should become a subscriber to an illustrated
monthly journal of popular botany. In its pages our most prominent botanists tell of their experiences
in Reid and wood ; government experts explain the important discoveries in economic botany ; the best
books are reviewed ; and a new department, just commencing in this the sixth volume, will be devoted
to "The Home Garden and Greenhouse," giving just the sort of hints that are needed bv amateurs.
ITprAf is, moreover, the official organ of the Wild Flower Preservation Society of America,
which is doing for our plants what the Audubon Societies have done for our birds, and it is sent free to
all members of that society. The subscription price is one dollar. We shall be pleased to furnish a
sample copy at any time on receipt of a stamp, if mention is made of THE INTERNATIONAL STUDto.
We are headquarters for books on nature study, and offer many books and pamphlets adapted for
general reading. Address all communications to
THE PLANT WORLD COMPANY, Post-office Box 334, Washington, D.C.

OES not claim to be the "whole thing" in the architectural
journalism of America. But it is the largest and most
important part of the whole thing, as it covers more of the
country, goes into more architects' offices, into more cul-
tivated homes, into more public libraries, and is more widely and
eagerly quoted in the public press than any other magazine devoted
to Architecture and the Allied Arts. The best American and For-
eign critics and practitioners contribute to its contents ; the finest
Pictures appear in profusion. A wide range of Subjects worthy of
attention unfolds itself in the course of a year before the cultivated
reader, who has turned to the AZrorZ for something that
has not been worn threadbare. Thus, in its pages, meet the leading
minds of our country, the officers of our national and municipal
institutions, the Patrons of Art and Science, and the owners of fine
houses, together with the men who Design and Construct them, and
furnish the Building Materials. Either as a literary or Advertising
proposition the RfMfAYVxra/ AZrcrZ is unequaled in its wide field.

M E r d E AT
