Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 24.1904/​1905(1905)

DOI issue:
No. 96 (February, 1905)
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Current art events
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Current Art Events

(Copyright, 1904, by M. Knoedler & Co.)

the “Winton,” the manufacturers claim, fulfills
these conditions.
We present herewith a reproduction of an etch-
ing just finished by Mr. Charles Waltner, a portrait
of Mrs. Blair, after Romney, which has been on
exhibition at the Knoedler Galleries. Mr. Waltner,
who was born in Paris, 1847, was a pupil of Mar-
tinet Henriquel Dupont and J. L. Gerome. In
1869, at the age of twenty-two, he received the Prix
de Rome, and in the following year a medal of the
first class at the Salon for his plate of a portrait after
Rubens. Mr. Hamerton, in his “Etching and
Etchers,” discusses two of Mr. Waltner’s plates,
L’Angdus, after Millet, and Dans le Rosee, after
Carolus Duran.
What is said to be the only original portrait of
John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, in exist-
ence on this side of the Atlantic, is in the possession
of John Cole, of Lyons, New York, having come
down to him through the intimate friendship and
attachment which existed between the famous dis-
senter and the Rev. John Cole, the great grand-

father of the owner. The Wesley portrait has been
sought after by collectors and relic-seekers all over
the country, and the owner has been invited to
exhibit it at the Chicago World’s Fair and later, in
1901, at the Pan-American Exposition; but he has
felt that the canvas is so priceless that he has de-
clined to take the risks that would be involved in
such use of it. The portrait is a life-size painting in
cils, rather sombre in tone and lacking strong
colour, in this respect rather unlike the work of
such men as Trumbull and Gilbert Stuart, who
were painting in this country at the same period.
The reformer is shown in the canonical robes and
collar of a priest of the English Church, with a
prayer-book in his right hand. The face is deline-
ated as one of singular sweetness, combined with
remarkable force, but not betraying the traditional
acerbity of temperament.
The American Society of Miniature Paint-
ers will hold an exhibition at the Knoedler Galler-
ies from February 4 to February 18, of original
miniatures not from photographs. The jury is
composed of W. J. Baer, Alice Beckington, Ethel
Blanchard, Lydia F. Emmett, Lucia F. Fuller and
Theodora W. Thayer. Entry blanks may be ob-
tained by addressing A. S. M. P., Secretary, care of
Artists Packing and Shipping Company, 139 West
54th Street, New York.
Kenyon Cox has exhibited at his studio a large
lunette for the new State capitol at St. Paul, Minne-
sota. The subject is The Contemplative Genius oj
the East, symbolised by a winged female figure of
heroic size seated in the centre of an exedra.
Slightly above are two other female figures, on her
right, and left, one symbolising Letters and the
other the Law. The colour scheme in the decora-
tion is in blues and reds, the centre figure being
clothed in blue, and the figures on the sides in wine
red. The exedra itself is of a tawny yellow, and the
background shows a blue sky with fleecy clouds.
A stained glass window in memory of the late
Mrs. Wood is to be designed by John La Farge for
the Judson Memorial Church, Washington Square.
Mrs. Wood was for many years the soprano of the
choir in this church.
William Sartain’s canvas Sand Dunes, Buz-
zards Bay, has been on view at the Macbeth
Galleries. Mr. Sartain was represented at the
Comparative Exhibition by another of his Sand
Dune paintings,and by The Arab School in Algiers,
loaned by Dr. A. C. Humphreys.
