Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 27.1905/​1906(1906)

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History of Henry Esmond, The. With Illustrations by Hugh Thompson ...... 280
Hogarth. By G. Baldwin Brown ............ xxxi
Flow to Study Pictures. By Charles H. Caffin .......... xxxi

Impressions of Japan. By Geo. H. Rittner .......
Impressions of Japanese Architecture and the Allied Arts. By Ralph Adams Cram
In God’s Garden. By Miss Steedman ........
Interdependence of the Arts of Design, The. By Russell Sturgis
Italian Architecture. By J. Wood Brown .......
Italian Lahes, The. Painted by Ella Du-Cane. Described by Richard Bagot .
Ivories. By Alfred Markell .........


Java; Facts and Fancies. By Augusta de Wit


Kingsley’s Heroes. .Adapted by Mary Macgregor. With Pictures by Rose Le Quesne . . . 184
Lace Book, The. By N. Hudson Moore ........... 280
Lay of the Wee Brown Wren. By Shepheard-Walwyn ......... 281
Lilliput’s Revels and Innocents’ Island. By W. B. Rands ........ 281
Little Princess. By Frances Hodgson Burnett .......... 375
Locksand Builders’ Hardware- By Henry R. Towne ......... c
London National Gallery. By Gustave Geffroy .......... xxxi
London to the Nore. By W. L. and Mrs. Wyllie . . . . . . . . . .182
Masterpieces Selected front the Korin School. By Shiichi Tajimi ....... 88
Meisterwerke der Königlichen Gemälde Gallerie zu Cassel . . . . . . . .279
Meisterwerke der Königlichen Gemälde Gallerie zu Dresden ........ 279
Modern Housing in Town and Country. By James Cornes ........ 181
Monograms and Ciphers. Designed by A. A. Turbayne and Others ...... 280
Moorish Remains in Spain. By Albert F. Calvert ......... xxxvi
Mr. Punch’s Children’s Book. Ed. by E. V. Lucas. Illustrated by Olga Morgan .... 281
Nuremberg. By Arthur George Bell and Mrs. Arthur George Bell. Illustrated .... 89

Old and New Architecture in Khiva, Bokhara and Turkestan. By O. Olufsen . . . . .
Old Houses in Edinburgh. Drawn by Bruce T. Hone .........
Old Masters and New. By Kenyon Cox. Illustrated .........
Old Oak Furniture. By Fred Roe ............
Old Pewter, Brass, Copper and Sheffield Plate. By N. Hudson Moore ......
Old-Testament Stories with Pictures. By R. T. Rose. .........
On the Hop ................
Original Drawings of the Dutch and Flemish Schools in the Print Room of the State Museum at Amsterdam .
Selected by E. W. Moes .............
Our Neighbours. By C. D. Gibson ............



2 79


Painter in Oil, The. By D. B. Parkhurst ........... xxii
Pflanze in Ihrer Dekorativen Verwertung, Die. Illustrated ........ 89
Photographische Kunst, 1903 und 1904. Ed. by F. Matthies-Masuren ...... 280
Picturesque Umbria. By Ratherine S. Macquoid .......... 183
Pilgrim’s Progress. Adapted by Mary Macgregor. With Pictures by Byam Shaw .... 184
Pisanello. By G. F. Hill.xxxii
Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. By W. Holman Hunt . . . . .370
Princess Kallisto and Other Tales of the Fairies. By W. D. Orcutt ....... 281
Principles of Design, The. By G. Wooliscroft Rhead ........ xxix, 279

Red Fox. By Chas. G. D. Roberts. Illustrated by C. L. Bull ....... xxix
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, First President of the Royal Academy. By Sir Walter Armstrong . . . xxxii
Rip Van Winkle. By Washington Irving. With Drawings by Arthur Rackham . . . .279
Robinson Crusoe. Adapted by John Lang. With Pictures by W. B. Robinson ..... 184
Rossetti. By Dr. Hans Singer ............. 182
Royal Collection, The, of Paintings at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle. With Introduction and
Text by Lionel Cust . . . . - . . - - - - - - .277
Ruined Abheys of Great Britain, The. By Ralph Adams Cram ....... xxxvi
Seven Angels of the Renascence, The. By Sir Wyke Bayliss, K.B., F.S.A. ..... 278
Shakespeare’s Sweetheart. By S. H. Sterling. Illustrated by C. E. Peck ...... xxix
Stained Glass Work. By C. W. Whall ............ 374
Stories from Chaucer. Adapted by Janet Harvey Kelman. Pictures by W. Heath Robinson . . 184
Stories from the Life of Christ. Selected by Janet H. Kelman. With Pictures by F. D. Beiford . . 184
Stories Told to Children Series. !84> 375
Story of Noah’s Ark. By E. Boyd Smith.xxix
Story of the Tweed. By Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart. . . . . - - - • 37_2
Study of the Artist’s Way of Working in the Various Handicrafts and Arts of Design. By Russell Sturgis. xxiii
Surprising Adventures of the Man in the Moon. By Ray Steward ....... 281
Tennyson. Illustrated by Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale . . . - - - - - - 373
Three Little Pigs. By Leslie Brookes xxix
Two in Italy. By Maude Howe.xxix