Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 27.1905/​1906(1906)

DOI Heft:
Nr. 105 (November, 1905)
DOI Artikel:
Halton, Ernest G.: The Staats Forbes collection, [1], The Barbizon pictures
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The Staats Forbes Collection

the owners belong to the dass of business or Pro-
fessional men who have led, or are still leading,
what is popularly called “ the strenuous life.” In
this connection the names of the late Mr. James
Staats Forbes, Mr. Alexander Young, and the late
Mr. Constantine Ionides of our own country,
M. Chauchard and the late M. Secretan of Paris,
Mr. George Gould of New York, Mr. James Hill
of Minneapolis, and Sir George Drummond of
Montreal occur to us, and there are others who
might be mentioned.
Mr. George Clausen, in one of the interesting
lectures which he delivered to the students of the
Royal Academy in January, 1904, said: “A picture
of landscape appeals mainly to the primitive instincts
of cultivated people, of people who live in cities,
who look from the standpoint of civilisation with a
sentimental longing towards a more simple state.
The French gallants and ladies of the eighteenth
Century liked to imagine themselves shepherds and
shepherdesses, and we, with our increased develop-
ment of commerce and industry, have an increased
appreciation of landscape, as if, since we cannot
live with Nature, we would still be reminded of and
be brought, even at second hand, into association
with her.”
This assertion partly explains the fact we have
stated, but to appreciate the particular school of

painting now under discussion requires a close
observation’of Nature and a certain temperament
which is only to be found in an individual of true
artistic disposition.
It may therefore be concluded that these col-
lectors find in the wrorks of the great French
Romantics not only genuine rest and relaxation
from their arduous duties, but certain qualities
with wrhich the artistic side of their nature feels
itself to be in sympathy.
Amongst the English collections enumerated,
thatof the late Mr. James Staats Forbes is the most
interesting as regards the Barbizon pictures. He
was one of the first of the English connoisseurs to
appreciate this group of painters, and that he had
the courage of his opinions is proved by his
numerous purchases during these early days.
His judgment was independent and fearless,
and the influence it exercised upon others was
remarkable. Those who enjoyed the privilege of
listening to his criticism of a picture could not but
be impressed by the amazing facility he possessed in
discovering qualities which would pass unnoticed by
others. He seemed to have a natural gift for under-
standing exactly what the artist wished to express.
Fle often used to say that what appealed to him
most was tone and quality, and these are the leading
characteristics of the pictures in his collection.


