Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 27.1905/​1906(1906)

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Nr. 105 (November, 1905)
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Awards in "The Studio" prize competitions
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Awards in “ The Studio ” Prize Competitions

by a few broad touches of the brush. Haging
Waves is a drawing in grey, green and blue upon
a gold ground, the fine decorative value of the
design and its harmonious colouring being alike
gratifying to the eye. The examples of the lacquer-
work selected for reproduction are typical of
the style originated by the master. The suzuri-
bako or writing-box is of especial beauty. The
leaden footbridge, the mother-of-pearl iris flowers
and gold foliage are treated in a bold, conventional
manner, and form a study of infinite value to the
Student of decorative art.
The Garden Lover’s Series. 3 vols. in case.
(London : Philip Wellby.) 7s. 6d. net. The three
volumes comprised in this series are A Book of Sun-
dial Mottoes, by A. HyattA Garden of Pleasant
Flowers—a selection of passages from the well-
known workbyjohn Parkinson,Jfirst printed in 1629;
and A Garden Lover's Birthday-book, by A. Hyatt.
The value of Parkinson’s work lies, to-day, rather
in its literary than its practical quality. The editor
has, therefore, wisely selected only those portions
notable for their quaint old English diction which
refer to those plants and flowers more especially
familiär to us. The Sundial Mottoes and Birthday-
book are both charming little volumes, and the
series should receive a warm welcome from lovers
of gardens and garden-lore.
Nuremberg. Painted by Arthur George Bell.
Described by Mrs. Arthur G. Bell. (London :
Adam & Charles Black.) 20s. net.—This book was
written at Nuremberg and the pictures were made
there, each one painted directly from nature. The
gifted painter and the writer have between them
made a book of singulär attraction, capturing in it
the very spirit of the old world of Nuremberg and
its associations. We have noted before the genius
in Mrs. Bell for revivifying old legends and remote
history by the touch given to her stories in the
telling by her own sympathy with them. Nurem-
berg must certainly have provided the author with
any amount of material for her industrious imagi-
nation. In looking through the book we are
conscious of a rieh mine of information, and the
impression remains with us that Mrs. Bell has
dipped but lightly into her fund of knowledge to give
us this pleasing book. The colour reproductions
should be a pleasure to the artist whose work has
embellished the narrative in so delightful a manner.
Die Pflanze in ihrer dekorativen Verwertung.
Edited by Dr. Richard Graul. (Leipzig : J, T.
Weber.) — In this well illustrated book on the
decorative treatment of plants in design, the able
director of the Museum of Applied Art at Leipzig

gives many useful hints to the Student, who, its
contents thoroughly mastered, should have no
difficulty in himself selecting other forms for
successful modification and combination.
Class A. Decorative Art.
A XVI [. Design for an Enamel Panel.
We hope to reproduce one at least of these
designs in a future number.
First Prize (Three Guineas) : Lucent (F. Kirk
Shaw, 41 Bowerham Road, Lancaster).
Second Prize (Two Guineas) : Isca (Ethel
Larcombe, Wilton Place, St. James’s, Exeter).
Hon. Mention : Alastor (R. S. Angell); Brush
(P. Lancaster) ; Mop (A. G. A. Gent); Whim
(G. H. Barraud).
A XIX. Design for an Advertisement.
First Prize (Two Guineas')-. Pan (F. H. Ball,
85 Scotland Road, Carlisle).
Second Prize (One Guinea) : G. D.I. (Geo. D.
lies, Gledholt, West Park, Headingley, Leeds).
Designs by the following have been purchased :
Batwing (J. W. Wilkinson, 115 Beverley Road,
Bolton); Prince (H. F. Button, 20 Crofton Park
Road, S.E.).
Class B. Pictorial Art.
B XI. Design for a Book Label.
First Prize (Two Guineas) : Nick (H. Brock-
hurst, Ryeford House, The Boulevard, Weston-
Second Prize (One Guinea) : Cavalier (F. A»
Knight, The Mount, Duppas Hill, Croydon).
Hon. Mention: Beggar (J. Wateridge); W. Xie
(Miss VV. Christie); Jay Sea (J. Cadzow); Glan-
ville (H. G. Spooner); Eutyche (O. Schwemmer) ;
Brygos (E. G. Bridge); Gar (E. G. Perman);
Jak (J. J. Crook); Pan (F. H. Ball) ; G. H. (G.
Haiford); Alastor (R. S. Angell); Wilhelmina
(name illegible); Liber (S. Calder); Brownie (N. C.
Bishop-Culpeper); J. W. IV. (J. W. Wilkinson);
Ciss (T. B. Shuttleworth); Mac (G. Mackintosh);
Kindchen (Mrs. D. Purchas).
Class C. Photographs from Nature.
C XII. Study of Reflections in Water.
First Prize (One Guinea) : Dali (V. Stouffs,
49 Avenue Louise, Brussels).
Second Prize (Half- a- Guinea) : Ferd Leys
(Ferdinand Leys, 26 Rue Ernest Allard, Brussels).
Hon. Mention : Final (G. A. Fowkes); De
Rachtirp (J. K. Pritchird) ; Pat (A. P. Thomas) ;
Trewinnard (H. E. Gorfin).
