Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 27.1905/​1906(1906)

DOI Heft:
Nr. 106 (December, 1905)
DOI Artikel:
Halton, Ernest G.: The Staats Forbes collection, 2, The modern Dutch pictures
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The Staats Forbes Collection

medium. In The Yoitng Lovers, two silent
figures are walking across a field; the beautiful
mauve tints in the background are softened by the
mellow light
The well-known Sewing School is one of the
most attractive pictures Israels has produced, and,
Strange to say, he has never painted any other
work at all like it. The pose of the figures—in
each instance quite different—the expression on
the faces, and the general impression of simple
industry are the striking features of this remark-
able canvas.
It is impossible to refer here to the many fine
works by Israels in the collection. Most of them
will be remembered as having been exhibited at
the Guildhall two years ago ; but the exquisite little
painting, The New Flower, the two pictures of
children by the sea, called Sailing the Boat and
Paddling, and the moonlight landscape, The Sheep-
fold, are interesting examples of the different
phases of his art.
James Maris, the eldest of the three famous
brothers, is the acknowledged head of modern
Dutch landscape painting. In his early period he

painted mostly figure subjects, many of them of
good quality and showing a fine feeling for colour;
but it is his vigorous landscapes, displaying great
freedom and breadth, that have given him a place
amongst the leading artists of the last Century. He
excelled in the rendering of atmospheric effects,
and as a painter of cloud forms he has had no
equal since Constable. Rain-clouds overhanging
the earth, wind-clouds sweeping across a vast
expanse of sea, clouds penetrated by sunlight—all
are portrayed with convincing truth and dexterity.
The Amsterdam Canal Scene \n the Staats Forbes
Collection is a beautiful water-colour by James
Maris, a poem in paint, complete and satisfying.
The exquisite tones of grey and brown and the pale,
luminous gold in the sky and water blend together
in perfect harmony, revealing the artist’s true per-
ception of their relative values. The mellow light
suffusing the picture gives warmth and solidity.
Another fine water-colour in cooler tones is The
Wooden Bridge, Rotterdam, a subject offen treated
by Maris. Two smaller drawings, Winter and
In Harbour, both painted with freedom and
breadth, show some of the artist’s finest colouring.


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