Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 27.1905/​1906(1906)

DOI Heft:
Nr. 107 (January, 1906)
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Awards in "The Studio" prize competitions
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Awards in “ The Studio ” Prize Competitions

A new easel has recently been put on the market
by Messrs Bird Bros., of Crouch Hill. It is called
the “English Easelette,” and combines a number of
qualifications which commend it to the artist, and
especially to the out-door sketcher. It can be
readily placed at any angle, and, moreover, is
perfectly rigid when set up. It is well finished
throughout, and, being compact as well as con-
venient, it is sure to come into favour.
Among the illustrations accompanying an article
on “Montmartre, Past and Present,” which appeared
in the June number of The Studio, were three
(pages 25, 26, and 27) which should have been
described as from photographs by Mr. R. L.
Sleeth, Jun., of Wilkinsburg, Pa., U.S.A., instead
of to the writer of the article, to whom they were
ascribed through a misunderstanding.

“The Tale of the Tweed.” By Sir H. Maxwell. Illustrated
by D. Y. Cameron. L5 5r. (J. Nisbet & Co.)
“ Errors in Eating and Physical Degeneration.” By Sir
W. E. Cooper, C.I.E. 6d. (The Order of the Golden
Age, Paignton.)
“ The Temple of Art. A Plea for the Higher Realisation
of the Artistic Vocation.” By Ernest Newlandsmith.
y. 6d. net. (The Order of the Golden Age, Paignton.)
“The Cathedral Builders in England.” By Edward S.
Prior, M. A., F.S.A. 7r. net. (Seeley & Co., Ltd.)
“ Discourses delivered to the Students of the Royal Academy.”
By Sir Joshua Reynolds. With Introduction and
Notes by Roger Ery. 33 Illustrations. 7s. 6d. net.
(Seeley & Co., Ltd.)

Awards in “ the studio”
Class A. Decorative Art.
A LIII. (Old Series) Design for the Front
Page of a Ball Programme.

“Kate Greenaway.” By M. PL Spielmann and G. S. Layard.
Ordinary edition, 20s. net. (A. & C. Black.)
“ The Italian Lakes.” Painted by Ella Du Cane. Described
by Richard Bagot. 20s. net. (A. & C. Black.)
“Rembrandt.” By Mortimer Menpes. With an Essay on
the Life and Work of Rembrandt by C. Lewis Hind.
12s. 6d. net. (A. & C. Black.)
“ Burma.” Painted and described by R. Talbot Kelly.
20X. net. (A. & C. Black.)
“ Henrietta Rae (Mrs. Ernest Normand).” By Arthur
Fish. y. net. (Cassell & Co., Ltd.)
“ Notable Pictures in Florence.” By Edith Plarwood.
Many Illustrations. 4s. 6d. net. (J. M. Dent & Co.)
“A Beggar's Wallet.” Containing Contributions in Prose,
Verse, and Pictorial Illustration, gathered from certain
Workers in Art and Letters. By A. Stodart Walker.
6s. net. (Dobson, Molle & Co., Edinburgh.)
“Constable.” By M. Sturge Henderson. 39 Illustrations.
Js. 6d. net. (Duckworth & Co.)
“ Maud.” By Lord Tennyson. With Illustrations by W.
Graham Robertson. (“ Flowers of Parnassus. ”) ir.
cloth, ilr. 6d. leather. (John Lane.)
“A History of Architectural Development.” By F. M.
Simpson. Vol. I. (“ The Architects’Library.”) 12s. 6d-
net. (Longmans, Green & Co.)
“ Alcestis, and Other Poems.” By Sara King Wiley.
(The Macmillan Co.)
“ Character of Renaissance Architecture.” By Charles
Plerbert Moore. 12r.6if.net. (Macmillan & Co., Ltd.)
“Studies in Architecture.” By Reginald Blomfield, A.R.A.
With illustrations. ich. net. (Macmillan & Co.)
“ Little Books on Art : Claude.” By E. Dillon, M.A.
2s. 6d. net. (Methuen.)
“ English Furniture.” ByFredk. S. Robinson. 160 plates.
25s. net. (Methuen.)
“ Up Along and Down Along. ” By Eden Phillpotts. With
eight original lithographs by Claude Shepperson. 5s.
net. (Methuen.)
“Thomas Gainsborough: His Life, Work, Friends, and
Sitters.” By Wm. B. Boulton. Forty illustrations.
js. 6d. net. (Methuen.)
“ Modern Master Draughtsmen : The Drawings of A. von
Menzel.” ByProf. H. W. Singer, js. 6d. net. (Geo.
Newnes, Ltd.)

We regret the long delay that has taken place in
the publication of these awards, but it has been
due to circumstances beyond our control.
First Prize (Three Guineas): Esperance (George
Collier, 89 Hassop Street, Manchester). Second
Prize {Two Guineas): Dundee (Ellen M. Hill, 13
Ashfield, Horton Road, Bradford). Hon. Men-
tion : Puck (Maggie Tunn) ; Pan (F. H. Ball).
A XX. Design for a Wooden Mantelpiece.
First Prize (Three Guineas) : Kim (H. B. Lay-
cock, Victoria Buildings, Bury, Lancs.). Second
Prize {Two Guineas) : Pencil (Bertram Ashworth,
Glynwood, Huyton, nr. Liverpool). Hon. Men-
tion : Craftsman (G. Wilson); Rip (G. C. Dresser);
Brush (P. Lancaster); Ryde (Hugh Slade); Vox
(R. F. Johnston).
Class B. Pictorial Art.
B XIII. Summer Landscape.
First Prize {Two Guineas) : J. E. C. (J. E.
Cowlman, 78 Hencroft Street, Slough, Bucks.).
Second Prize {One Guinea)-. Dingbat (F. J.
Martyn Roberts, Brisbane, Queensland). Hon.
Mention : Luna (L. H. Harris); Jark (R. C.
Peter); Sans Souci (J. C. A. Traill); Spider (E. G.
Class C. Photographs from Nature.
C XIV. A Mountain Scene.
First Prize {One Guinea) : Schwarzee (C. D.
Kay, Highfield, Itchen, Southampton). Second
Prize {Half a- Guinea) : Bergshund (A. F. Jones,
64 Upper Gloucester Place, N.W.). Hon. Men-
tion : Unsettled (H. M. Warner) ; Dans les
Montagnes (F. Leys); Arolla (Miss M. Lloyd).