Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 27.1905/​1906(1906)

DOI Heft:
Nr. 108 (February, 1906)
DOI Artikel:
Levetus, A. S.: The recent exhibition of miniatures at Vienna
DOI Artikel:
Some pen drawings by Fred Richardson
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Some Pen Drawings by Fred Richardson

very much liked, and many followed in his foot-
steps, such as Saar, Robert Theer, and others.
Nor must one forget Waldmüller, who painted as he
saw, and worked independently; who was the first
to paint from nature, and who has not even yet
been given his right place in the history of art.
He has left several miniatures, which are lovely
specimens of this art of painting, and which show
that the artist was great “ in little ” as in larger
When Sir William Ross, many of whose works
are in Frau Mayr’s collection, lay dying, he said,
“ It is all up with miniature painting in Vienna.”
Kriehuber’s coloured lithographs put an end to this
art; and yet, curiously enough, Kriehuber himself,
who died about thirty years ago, began his career
as a miniaturist. Perhaps some day there may
come a revival of this interesting art.
A. S. Levetus.


(By fiermission of Freifrau Almerie von Le

An important feature of modern jour-
nalism is the increasing extent to which pictorial
matter figures in the daily and weekly Press—a
development which has been made possible by the
extensive improvements which have taken place in
the various processes of reproduction duringrecent
years. It is, perhaps, hardly necessary to say that a
great deal of this pictorial matter is otherthan satis-
factory from an artistic point of view ; and consider-
ing the conditions under which it is produced, this is
not surprising. Here and there, however, one meets
withworkwhichstands out from the massbyits artistic
qualities, and there are signs that greater attention is
being bestowed on this department of journalism.
This appears to be especially the case in the
United States, where journalism seems to have
reached a higher degree of
Organisation than elsewhere.
Recognising the import-
ance of illustration, the
heads of some of the lead-
ing journals there have,
with their characteristic
enterprise, developed this
feature of their papers to
such an extent that special
staffs of artists are employed
to assist them in this direc-
tion. As interesting ex-
amples of the work that is
being done under a regime
such as this, we here repro-
duce, by courtesy of the
“ Chicago Daily News ”
Company, some pen draw-
ings selected from a long
series contributed by Mr.
Fred Richardson to the
Saturday edition of that
journal, Mr. Richardson
was for several years chief
of the artistic department
of that journal. Onjoining
the staff he was given the
chance of raising the quality
of newspaper illustration
above the levelof the usual
hurried work, and the ex-
amples we give show that he
(after daffinger) has successfully accom-
■etzow) plished this object.
