Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 27.1905/​1906(1906)

DOI Heft:
Nr. 108 (February, 1906)
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Reviews and notices
DOI Artikel:
Awards in "The Studio" prize competitions
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A wards in “ The Studio ” Prize Competitions

“Arische Weltanschauung.” Von H. S. Chamberlain.—
“Der Tanz als Kunstwerk.” Von Oscar Bie. Each
Mk. 1.25, I.50, and 2.50. (Bard, Marquardt & Co.,
“ The Appreciation of Pictures.” By Russell Sturgis. With
73 photographic illustrations. 7s. 6d. net. (Batsford.)
“ Gothic Architecture in England.” By Frances Bond.
1254 illustrations. 315. 6d. net. (Batsford.)
“ The Art of the National Gallery.” ByJ. de Wolf Addison.
Illustrated. 6r. net. (G. Bell & Sons.)
“ Ideals in Art. By Walter Crane. Illustrated. ior. 6d.
net. (G. Bell & Sons.)
“J. M. W. Turner.” By W. L. Wyllie, A.R.A. Illus-
trated. 7s. 6d. net. (G. Bell & Sons.)
“ Peter Paul Rubens.” By Hope Rea. (Great Masters
Series.) 5.1. net. (G. Bell & Sons.)
“The Homes of Tennyson.” Painted by Helen Allingham,
R.W.S. Described by Arthur Paterson, F.R.Hist.S.
7s. 6d. net. (A. & C. Black.)
“ London, Vanished and Vanishing.” Painted and de-
scribed by Philip Norman. 20s. net. (A. & C. Black.)
“ The Art of Portrait Painting.” By the Hon. John Collier.
41 illustrations. los. 6d. net. (Cassell & Co.)
“A Flower Wedding.” Described by Two Wallflowers.
Decorated by Walter Crane. 6s. (Cassell & Co.)
“Florentine Palaces and their Stories.” By Janet Ross.
Illustrations by Adelaide Marchi. 6s. net. (Dent & Co.)
“ Dante Gabriel Rossetti, der Malerund der Dichter.” Von
W. Wahlschmidt. Mk. 6. (Diederichs, Jena.)
“ How to Build or Buy a Country Cottage, and Fit i-t up.”
By “ Home Counties.” Numerous illustrations. 6s.
net. (Heinemann.)
“Isabella; or, The Pot of Basil.” ByJohnKeats. Illus-
trations by P. Henry, ir. and ir. 6d. net. (John Lane.)
“ Michael Ange.” Par Romain Rolland. (Librairie de
l’Art ancien et moderne, Paris.)
“Flow to Identify Old Chinese Porcelain.” By Mrs. Wil-
loughby Hodgson. 40 illustrations. 6s. (Methuen.)
“The Fligh Road of Empire. Water-colour and Pen-and-
ink Sketches in India.” By A. H. Hallam Murray.
21 s. net. (John Murray.)
“Langham Series of Monographs: ” “Whistler,” by PI. W.
Singer. “J. F. Millet,” by R. Muther. 2s. 6d. net
each. (A. Siegle.)
“Somerset House, Past and Present.” By R. Needham
and A. Webster. 21 r. net. (T. Fisher Unwin.)
Class A. Decorative Art.
A xxi. Design for a Sheltered Seat.
The problem set in this competition, though on the face of
it a simple one, has been read in varying ways by the com-
petitors, who have sent in designs ranging from the simplest
covered seat to domed structures of solid masonry. The
material proposed, however, is, as a rule, wood. A large
number of drawings have been submitted, but want of space
prevents us from remarking upon rnore than a few of the
principal ones.
Howler sends a very solid and substantial building. IPis
masonry piers, with their rounded angles and flat curved
tops, are rather reminiscent of another work. In the design
of Fernes the whole of the central space is, so to speak, waste
room. The design of Putz is of a monumental character, and

shows rather more of unsheltered than of sheltered seat. A
favourite motif with some of the competitors has been the
arrangement of the seats crosswise with a circular roof;
Planet, Bertie, and T(No. 1) are illustrations of this rnethod.
The design of Planet and that of Soapsuds suggest that
special precautions would have to be taken to prevent the
lifting of the roofs in a gale. T also sends another design,
entirely of wooden construction this time. Ile gets a rather
small number of seated people between his curved wings,
though this is presumably the important side of the shelter.
The two posts, moreover, would be a perpetual obstruction
to those sitting on the curved seat. Simplicity is pleasantly
simple in elevation, but, like others, he rather provides a
room with seats in it than a covered seat. Jack sends a very
pleasant design with the added virtue of explanatory details.
It is a pity he has introduced two obstructive central Supports
under the bressummer We could wish that in the design of
Llghlning the clock turret were in rather better proportion;
it is somewhat too large and self-assertive. The design on
the whole is an interesting one, and its drawing is Bold and
vigorous. Norman and Bux send simple but meritorious
designs. Tctinus submits an effective scheme, also with
simplicity for its note. In this the two openings are of so
considerable a width that we do not think the central stone
pier would be feit as an obstruction. The design is presented
in a remarkably pretty drawing.
First Prize (Three Guineas): Tctinus (Sidney H. Brown,
22 Desswood Place, Aberdeen).
Second Prize (Two Guineas) : Lightning (F. Anstead
Browne, 39 Clarkson Street, Ipswich).
Hon. Mention : Ferrus (E. B. Crossley) ; Howler
(H. M. Pritchard); Jack (C. J. White) ; Putz(W. Schonian);
Bertie (F. P. Mills) ; Bux (B. A. Porter) ; Noman (N.
Hall); Planet (H. W. W. Cash) ; Simplicity (S. P. Taylor);
Soapsuds (C. F. Callow); T (H. Johnson).
A xxiii. Design for a Poster.
First Prize (Five Guineas) : St. R. L. (Max Esterle,
19 Karmelitergasse 19, Innsbruck, Tyrol).
Second Prize (Three Guineas): Sigmund (Charles Doust,
24 St. Aidan’s Road, East Dulwich, London, S.E.).
Third Prize (Two Guineas) : Spes (Leonard G. Andrews,
65 Hallam Street, Portland Place, London, W.
Extra Prizes of One Guinea each are awarded to Fweddie
(Norman Keene, Sedgemoor, St. Julian’s Avenue, Newport,
Mon.); Pan (F. H. Ball, 85 Scotland Road, Carlisle).
Class B. Pictorial Art.
B xiv. Study of a Head.
First Prize (Two Guineas) : Joan (Marion Gill, 4 North
Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne).
Second Prize (One Guinea)-. Voeke (Rene Scheepers,
39 Rampart des Beguines, Antwerp).
Hon. Mention : Blastor (R. S. Angell) ; Peter (P.
Brown) ; Brüsk (P. Lancaster); Eenoog (H. B. Lucardie);
Grab (Miss R. H. Baker) ; Heras (Max Theron) ; Kismet
(Jane Pawsey); Lol (F. Mönchen) ; Marki (M. A. Adams) ;
Marx (J. D. Ross) ; Nico (E. Y. Brunton) ; Nosredna
(Elsie Anderson).
Class C. Piiotographs from Nature.
C xv. A Moonlight Effect.
First Prize (One Guinea) : Eyeball (PI. Powell Iliggins,
St. Michaels, Ashford, Middlesex).
Second Prize (HalJ-a-Guinea)-. Cymro (PI. A. Roberts,
“ Mostyn,” Glossop Boad, Sanderstead, Surrey).
Hon. Mention : Musk (T. Kent); Bretagne (G. Maury);
Puck (PI. Neville).