Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 30.1906/​1907(1907)

DOI issue:
No. 120 (February, 1907)
DOI article:
DOI article:
Reviews and notices
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of Painting, and exhibitions like this help one to
measure how far off, or how near, such a school
may be.

In the North Gallery the principal work was
Mr. L. B. Hall’s Sleep, a large canvas, deco-
ratively composed and admirably drawn and
painted. Mrs. Muntz Adam’s large presentation
portrait of the late Rev. Dr. MacDonald revealed
some good points. The same can be said of Mr.
Waugh’s landscape, Our Selection. Mr. McCubbin
had some good works, notably Midsummer Eve,
and Mr. A. Boyd’s Mount Wellington was notable
for its fine colour and effect. Mr. Enes had three
fine landscapes, rather Whistlerian in style.

In the South Gallery Mr. Blamire Young showed
Lady Franklin, an extremely fine piece of texture
painting and originality. As usual, Mr. Fischer’s
pastels were an attractive feature, notably The

Creek, a rare colour harmony. The Cleared Hill-
side of Mr. Lindsay showed a step forward, and
Mr. MacClintock had a series of fine water-colours,
Afternoon Shade, Decorative Landscape, and others.
In the Water-colour Gallery Miss Sutherland’s,
pastel, Evening Glow, and Mr. Anderson’s Fisher-
man’s Cottage and Sandridge, both in water-colours,
are meritorious works. In the small collection
sent over from Adelaide, Mr. Hans Heysen’s
Sunrise and Mist must be mentioned for its
good colour effect. Altogether the whole tone of
the Exhibition was encouraging. The older men
held their place, and among the younger men an
amount of enthusiasm was displayed which augurs
well for the future of art in Victoria.

The Pioneer, by F. McCubbin, has been acquired
under the terms of the Felton Bequest for the-
National Gallery, Melbourne, at 350 guineas.
J. S.