Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 35.1908

DOI Heft:
No. 137 (July, 1908)
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Studio- Talk

Defregger, to mention but a few, are still happily
at work, and were represented by good work.
As usual, a large number of portraits were shown,
all the best artists being represented. The Hun-
garian, Leopold Horovitz, sent but one, an admir-
able portrait of his son. Heinrich Rauchinger, who
excels in portraits of men, contributed three works,
showing how surely he is progressing in his art,
which is devoid of mannerisms; and withal con-
vincing. Koppay, who has lately returned from
America, sent but one portrait, that of the Austro-
Hungarian Ambassador at Washington, Baron
Hengelmtiller, dressed as a
Hungarian magnate — a
notable work. Viktor Scharf
and John Quincey Adams
both sent capital portraits, the
latter’s including one of Dr.
Richard Freiherr von Bier-
nerth, the present Minister
for Home Affairs. Wilhelm
Viktor Krausz’s portraits of
Count Montecuccoli and Miss
Diane Tomson, and Nicholas
Schattenstein’s portrait of
Frati J. K., were among the
most interesting in the exhi-
bition. Veith’s picture of
Herr Reimers, the well-known
actor at the Imperial Theatre,
as Dunois, a portrait of a lady
by Paul Joanovits, and another
by Jehudo Epstein, were also
notable contributions.

Among the other figure -
subjects Isidor Kaufmann’s
studies of Jewish types call
for special mention. He has
gone to the remote corners of
Galicia for them, and the
results show how intimate he
is with the ways and character
of those he has portrayed.
Egger - Lienz’s fresco Toien-
tanz von Anno Neun is a
masterly performance; and
Hans Larwin, Jungwirth, Hed-
wig von Friedlander, and
Geller were also well repre-
sented. Otto ~RerscheYs Anne
Marie, too, was interesting
for its treatment of drapery,

for which the artist has a special affection. Karl
Fahringer’s animal paintings are always welcome,
as are Viktor Scharf’s “ interiors,” at once imagina-
tive, harmonious, and intime. To fully appre-
ciate the charm of Otmar Ruzicka’s pictures,
with their Moravian motifs, one must know some-
thing of that country and have seen the inhabitants
congregate on a Sunday in market-places clad in
the picturesque native costume of many hues.
The Polish artist Adalbert Ritter von Kossak sent
a portrait of his daughter and a picture of a
wounded soldier on horseback, a fugitive from the
battlefield, with a young girl by his side.
