Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 35.1908

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The international Studio (Obtober, 1908)
DOI Artikel:
Saylor, Henry H.: The fourteenth annual architectural exhibition in Philadelphia
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Philadelphia Architectural Exhibition


Brother, showed a quaint plaster house, designed
with a charming restraint, and their two Tudor
houses in brick at Wynnewood deserve especial
mention. Characteristic sketches in crayon and
color formed the greater part of Wilson Eyre’s
exhibit, but to my mind they are less convincing
than photgraphs of his executed designs. Mr.
Charles Z. Klauder’s own home, shown by photo-
graphs and a well-rendered and ingenious plan,
illustrates how well the results repay an investment
of loving and painstaking care in plan and detail;
William W. Potter’s rendered elevations of a
country house give attractive promise of charming
work; more of a castle than a mere country house
is Price & McLanahan’s design for Mr. William C.
Scott, and their rambling, picturesque group for
Mr. Charles T. Schoen at Rose Valley includes
an eminently successful solution of that most
difficult problem—the water tower; still another
attractive and typical Philadelphia stone house is
by Thomas, Churchman & Molitor, that for Mr. T.
Duncan Whelen, at Overbrook, and I was sorry to
see that Charles Barton Keen’s exhibit was con-
spicuous by its absence.

And to fill the measure of country house work
full, pressed down and running over, the architects
of other cities added their contributions. Grosve-
nor Attebury’s delightful houses at Ridgefield,
Conn., and Locust Valley, L. I., were shown and
attracted much attention, as they did at the New
York exhibition; so also did Frank A. Bourne’s
sketch for a Philadelphian’s summer cottage; the
typically Californian villa for Mr. J. Waldron Gil-
lespie, by Cram, Goodhue & Ferguson; two of
Aymar Embury’s designs; Ewing & Chappell’s
house for Mr. Richard E. Forrest at Cedarhurst,
L. I., and last, but far from least, a number of
splendid photographs of the recent work of Charles
A. Platt.
City houses were very much less in evidence—
it would seem that every one is moving into the
country. Frank Miles Day & Brother exhibited
an excellent drawing by Charles Z. Klauder of a
house on Rittenhouse Square; Newman & Harris’s
model of a city house, in color and with the plant-
ing ingeniously rendered by dyed sponge, must have
seemed for the layman an oasis in the desert of
drawings and photographs; the dignified design for
