Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 40.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 160 (June 1910)
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Studio- Talk

She produces with the facility of real genius. New humanity and scenery, the whole organism of un-
motifs, unseen colour-combinations, blossom forth paralled vitality, were disappointed. What one
continually under her hand. She scatters them saw savoured more of the London Royal Academy,
lavishly over cushions, insertions and covers. But or, to some extent, of the Paris Salons. We were
lately her fervour has only been satisfied by exten- also reminded of Old Holland, Dusseldorf and
sive wall-hangings. She is not content to embroider Fontainebleau, and breathed an atmosphere of
impressions of nature around her from the pine gentleness, refinement and puritanic reserve. Land-
woods of the Grunewald near
Berlin, but she has revelations
of her own in which fairy tales
and dreams strangely blend
with naturalistic forms and
landscape reminiscences,
Such subjects she considers
fit for the contents of wall-
hangings. She invents stitches
and applications, prepares and
mixes her own colours, and
embroiders her frescoes quite
intuitively, without previous
sketching. Jessie Hosel, in
whom our leading craftsmen
are deeply interested, is a
woman who quite deserves
the honours of high art.

The exhibition of American
paintings at the Royal Aca-
demy of Arts left no doubt
as to the production of good
pictures in America, but evi-
dence was lacking of the exist-
ence of a home-grown art.
Those who expected to see
therein a reflection of the
race of beautiful, self-sure
women and iron willed men,
the country of contrasts in "may" embroidered by Florence jessie hosel
