Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 161 (July, 1910)
DOI Artikel:
Frantz, Henri: Some notable pictures at the New Salon in Paris
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Pictures at the New Salon

M. Aman-Jean has talent and technique both traits hung on the first floor at the Grand Palais, a

eminently personal; he is in love with middle tones, special room on the ground floor has been reserved

and knows better than anyone how to place in a for his work. The visitors to the Salon can

pretty decorative landscape female figures har- here pass a delightful hour studying one by one

moniously clad in light and supple draperies. His the productions of this great artist, one of the most

is a talent of sweetness much more than force, the personal and most varied of the contemporary

delicate idealism of which, however, appears to my French school of painting.

eyes to be invested with great charm. His picture Among the landscapes hung in the Salon there

this year is called La Collation, and forms another is one that is unrivalled—the view of the Place de

of a series of decorations destined for the Musde Moret during the recent floods, by J. F. Raffaelli,

des Arts Decoratifs, in which M. Aman-Jean one of the finest works of a kind we have been

already figures in some important works. This accustomed to see with pleasure for a long time:

last is equally successful. I noted also the exhibit of M. Lemordant, who

M. Rene' Menard, after his great effort of last is making great progress. He is a young man on

year, is contenting himself with showing some pic- whom the Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts can

tures of small dimensions. Is there any need for count with confidence.

me to say that these are marked with that character In conclusion let me say that it would not be

of classic perfection which is ever present in even fair to assert that all interest in the Salon depends

the smallest picture from M. Menard's brush? I upon the works I have enumerated, for besides

was exceedingly pleased with his Bylas, a noble them one finds numerous other excellent things,

landscape of warm and beautiful colour. But those I have spoken of in detail are the out-

M. Jacques Blanche is exceedingly well repre- standing and finest pieces which the exhibition

sented this year, for besides some very fine por- offers. Henri Frantz.

