Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 161 (July, 1910)
DOI Artikel:
The last of the Alexander Young collection
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The Alexander Young Collection


by public auction at Messrs. Christies' rooms in ot the younger connoisseurs are endeavouring to

London. This will be, without doubt, one of the form collections of the works of the great leaders

most important sales of modern works held during of their modern native school, but they will find

recent years, and it is attracting considerable it almost impossible to rival the superb collections

attention both in England and elsewhere. mentioned above.

Tne occasion is particularly noteworthy because, In view of the peculiar importance which

with the dispersal of these works, we shall have attaches to the forthcoming sale it is interesting

seen the last of those interesting and select private to recall the chief features of the collection which

collections, consisting mainly of Barbizon and Mr. Alexander Young brought together with such

Modern Dutch pictures, brought together by success. Dealing with the Barbizon pictures first,

eminent professional and business men, who it is to be noted that it contained over sixty

possessed a keen artistic sense and unerring judg- examples of Corot's beautiful art, most of them

ment. The pictures of the late Mr. Staats Forbes of the-very finest quality. They numbered among

and Sir John Day are distributed in all directions, them the two versions of The Bent Tree (one

while those of the late M. Thorny-Thierry and now in the National Gallery in London, included

M. Chauchard of Paris have found a home in in the Salting Bequest, and the other in the Mel-

the Louvre. It is very doubtful if any other bourne Gallery), Le Lac, Evening, La Prairie,

private individual will find it possible in the future Mantes la Jolie, and Les Liaigneitses, works which

to acquire such collections as these, for apart from display all the characteristics of the master, full of

the great increase during the last few years in the poetic sentiment and delightful colour harmonies,
value of the works of the two famous schools, Daubigny was equally well represented, for the

many of the finest examples have now been added works of this artist appeared to have a peculiar

to public galleries, and can never again come into attraction for Mr. Young, and he acquired some

the market. It is true that in Holland several of the finest examples of the painter's art in its
