Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI issue:
Nr. 161 (July, 1910)
DOI article:
Recent work in applied design
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Recent IVork in Applied Design

hibition held recently in the
beautiful new building of the
school on Lexington Avenue
and Thirtieth Street, are most
encouraging. The designs
have both originality of
thought and skilful treatment.
The Louis XIV tapestrv
shown in the illustration
might easily pass for the copy
of some door in the palace of
I Versailles; there are the same
taste and sense of proportion
that we see in the work of the
great craftsmen of the eight-
eenth century. The roses
and forget-me-nots painted
against a gray background
have a delicacy reminiscent
of the palmy days of the
French monarchy.

In the two designs by Miss
S. C. McConnell we see very
—' . successful treatment in design

of the butterfly and grape.

First Award, School o] Applied Design jor Women, 1910 The interweaving of blues in

butterfly design by s. c. m'connell the butterfly design is exceed-

ingly effective, both from a
distance and on closer inspec-

ECENT WORK IN APPLIED DE- tion, when the basic suggestion of the butterfly may
SIGN be clearly distinguished. The use of color, the

blending of light green, dark blue and light blue

To make art practical is the purpose
of the New York School of Applied De- ^^^^^^^^^^^
Sign for Women. In this school instruction is given ^|9^H W/x^v^^\^W

selves have worked in the offices >>l^ architects, de- ^ ±

•In- graduates of the School of Applied Design H \f7

lacked was the foreign touch so greatly in demand A . /■

ln this country, foreign teachers were engaged. jjWj^jj "' ^.

''''"in the lirst the training is thorough. I.enures -]j|^c==^5||B £ ^ < iV'^vJ

are given on a particular period and the'students ^r^T^ -h jN\\

are shown examples of the designers' art. They I 1 \ /

then copy some object belonging to the period, and i U \\ I i

when they are supposed to have thoroughly mas- I/^rf j^^x^w \^

tered the principles which underlie the design, they

are told to make an original design embodying what conventionalized by s. c. m'connell

they have learned. The results, as shown in the ex- grape design

