Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 164 (October, 1910)
DOI Artikel:
Khnopff, Fernand: The Brussels Exhibition, [1]: some furnished interiors$nElektronische Ressource
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The Brussels Exhibition

has devoted much time and thought to the and a very pleasant smoking room by M. Selmers
planning, construction, and equipment of dwellings heim. In the British section, which suffered so
of this character. The two cottages, which are disastrously from the fire of August 14, there was no
constructed of wood in sections to admit of modern furniture of particular significance; the
transportation, have been designed by him as complete interiors shown belonged to the "antique"
architect of the Margarethe Krupp Stiftung or class—Elizabethan, Georgian, Chinese, Chippen-
Trust, and are intended for the workers of dale, and so on—and these perished in the flames,
the Rhenish-Westphalian manufacturing region. In the Dutch section the modern interiors
Both are admirably planned, and though small, reveal the same qualities and defects as those
are far from being " poky." That is largely in the neighbouring German section; and in the
due to the excellent design of the furniture, Belgian section—practically all reduced to ashes
which has been specially adapted by the last month—the special pavilions of MM. Serrurier
architect for the rooms in which it is placed. and Van de Voorde contained all that was of special
This furniture is very substantially made, yet interest to us. Great, however, as was the destruc-
inexpensive, and has been carefully designed, not tion wrought by the fire, I hope to fulfil my intention
only with a view to durability, but also with an to speak in a subsequent article of the principal works
eye to comfort and economy of labour. Especially of applied art in the various sections. F. K.
is this the case with the
appointments in the
rooms or offices where the
operations of cooking
and washing are carried
on. Here everything
looks neat and whole-
some; the appliances are
so ingeniously contrived
as to excite our admira-
tion for the thought and
care bestowed on their
forms and functions.

A few words must
suffice for the interiors
exhibited in the other
national sections. Here
there is nothing approach-
ing in magnitude to the
German display. In the
French section there are
shown a few modern in-
teriors, notably a dining-
room by Dufrene, and
another by Lambert, in
both of which there is
in evidence more gaiety
in the general design than
one observes in the
German interiors, but as
contrasted with the florid
decoration which charac-
terises so much of the
French work these show
considerable restraint. I

must also name a delight- sitting room furniture for artisan's cottage

. 0 designed by g. metzendorf, architect

ful boudoir by M. Follot, executed by gebr. schurmann, essen
