Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 48.1913

DOI Artikel:
McAllister, I. G.: Edward Lanteri: sculptor and professor
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Recent Designs in Domestic Architecture
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Recent Designs in Domestic Architecture

are extending his influence and inspiration, and,
notwithstanding all that has been done, and is
being done, the best fruits of his gracious and
unselfish labours are yet to come. It is a proof
of what he could have done as an individual
sculptor with his wonderful technical power. The
work which he most appreciates and loves is the
very greatest—the mighty Parthenon sculptures.
A mark of his genius as an instructor and guide is
that he never tries to bend any budding individu-
ality out of its evident native tendency. No real
merit escapes him however inadequately expressed.”
His time being so limited, most of his produc-
tions have been busts, portraits, and ideal and
portrait statuettes. In his earlier period (the late
eighties and early nineties) he produced some
purely ideal statues of much beauty, one of which,
a marble figure, was acquired by King Edward,
then Prince of Wales. In the higher intellectual
and deeper emotional qualities his later work is
the finer. A subtle artist, he has advanced all the
time, so that now he is better than ever.
The illustrations here presented give an im-
pression of one phase only of Lanteri’s mastery :
that to which the conditions of his life as a teacher
have in a great measure confined his own original
work. But they amply reproduce two qualities
which distinguish his work, namely, “ life ” and
“ colour.” But there is another quality which will
be observed in certain of the illustrations, and

which can perhaps best be described by the word
“ monumental.” It is his appreciation of the
supreme importance of this quality that makes
him one of the keenest and most understanding
admirers of the work of Alfred Stevens. Unfor-
tunately such monumental statues as Lanteri has
produced have been made for places abroad. But
those who have visited the college and seen the
original work by advanced students cannot have
failed to be impressed by the fact that this quality
is insisted upon from beginning to end. It will
also be seen from the illustrations how largely
Lanteri’s work is imbued with that intimate beauty
and impressiveness which is the great charm of
the best works of the Italian renaissance. What
he has done for the revival of sculpture has not
been at all realised yet by the public, but the
sculptors know and say, that “ if there is one in
the whole realms of Great Britain and France who
has earned high recognition of his unostentatious
and disinterested labours on behalf of others, it
is Prof. Lanteri.” I. G. M.
Recent designs in domestic
Below and on the next page we give
illustrations of a house at Kingswood, in Surrey, a
picturesque locality on the downs to the north of
Reigate, lately erected from the designs of Mr.