Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 49.1913

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This cut
poorly shows the
beautiful effects
produced by
Lowe Brothers
Oil Stain

Toil can make the most beautiful wood

finishes in any of the various effects of
oak, mahogany, etc., that will always
retain their richness and beauty, by



These stains are permanent and should not be con-
fused with ordinary wood dyes which soon fade
through the action of light. Made in all popular
finishes. Send for color cards.
For mahogany finishes—over light cr dark Mahogany
Oil stain—use

Lowe Brothers
Mahogany Glaze
This is a practical and successful product. It gives
life, tone, richness and beauty to the mahogany sur-
face, and, used with “Little Blue Flag” Varnish, either
in gloss or rubbed effect, adds greatly to the satisfac-
tion of the owner. It is economical, for it saves a
coat of varnish. The directions on the can are easily
followed. Send for booklet—“A Study in Mahogany."

of quality

The Lowe Brothers Co.
472 E. Third St., Dayton, Ohio
Chicago Kansas City
Boston New York
Lowe Brothers, Limited
Toronto, Canada

Valuable Books—Free
Have the best decorated house in your neighborhood.
Ask your local “Lowe Brothers” dealer-agent to give
you Paint Information and color combinations for ex-
terior, interior, woodwork, walls, floors, etc. Also
Write us for “Homes Attractive from Gate to Garret,”
and “Mellotone Your Walls,” both
free. Write today.



are the premier automo-
bile tires of the world

The most flexible tire on the market
Fits any Q. D. Rim
Easiest tire on the market to put on or take off

They represent what thousands of motor-
ists regard as the ideal type of tire. It is
in no sense a new tire. The Hartford
Rubber Works practically introduced it
into this country more than ten years ago,
and it has always been one of the standard
Hartford (now United States) tires.
No other tire has ever been imitated so
widely as has this tire, and yet in no other
tire has the original principle been so
firmly adhered to. The illustration on this
page is of the genuine Dunlop Tire— as
made exclusively by the United States
Tire Company.
As an indication of the growth in favor
which thisDunlop type of tire has enjoyed,
it may be stated that the United States
Tire Company has actually taken care of

More than a 600% increase in
sales in less than a year’s time

So insistent has the demand become for this tire (in
the face of the most strenuous competition on the
part of other tires of a similar type), that we have been
obliged to add immensely increased facilities for its
manufacture during 1913. From nowon theUnited
States Tire Company will undertake to supply all
the genuine Dunlop Tires demanded by the trade.
Bear in mind—this tire is the only tire possess-
ing all the merits of the genuine Dunlop Tire.
United States Tire Company. New York
Makers of America’s Predominant Tires